Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 16, Issue 2, Article 9 (Dec., 2015)
Yat-yin LEUNG
A school-based study on situational interest of investigative study in senior physics

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This research showed a positive effect of IS on triggering students’ interest. Interviewees expressed the feeling of autonomy, competency and engagement under IS’s contextual nature. They appreciated  the use of technology which facilitated an in-depth understanding of the concepts applied. Students got a flexible period of time to investigate authentic tasks that strengthened their feeling and value development of individual interest.

The implementation of IS in NSS physics is optional and schools make their choices based on their readiness. Teachers have the autonomy in the implementation of IS. When considering the worth of implementing IS within the suggested teaching hours, the effect of students’ interest in physics on sustaining their studies and retaining the enrollment for the field-related further studies or career should be taken into account. These desirable outcomes are essential for sustaining a long-term development in physics and science education, which in turn help build the scientific literacy of future citizens.


This paper reports the major findings of the author’s research in the study of Master of Education. The author was a former physics teacher in the boys’ school until 2013, and currently serves as an inspector in Education Bureau, the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.



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