Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 16, Issue 2, Article 4 (Dec., 2015)
Effects of storylines embedded within the context-based approach on pre-service primary school teachers’ conceptions of matter and its states

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The concept of matter and its transformations are essential to chemistry. Educators agree that the nature of matter is in the heart of theoretical chemistry and is a key component in several science education curricula from as early as upper primary school years to various stages of secondary school and to university (Tsai, 1999). Appropriate understanding of the particle theory is essential to learn the states of matter and the changes associated with heating or cooling of a substance (Valanides, 2000). In addition to particle theory, learning the structure of matter and phase changes, solution chemistry, chemical reactions, and gases are also important. However, research findings from the literature indicate that issues such as the nature and characteristics of particles, the nature of space between particles, behavior of particles in different states of matter, the size of molecules, and change in the arrangement of the particles during the phase change and chemical processes are problematic for students to understand (e.g., Griffiths & Preston, 1992; Tsai, 1999). The literature shows that students develop several alternative conceptions for these concepts. For example, in a study related to change of states from solid or liquid to gas, Stavy (1990) reported that students have difficulty in conceptualizing gas to be matter and they believe that gases are weightless or lighter than solids and liquids. Similarly, Durmuş and Bayraktar (2010) and Eskilsson and Hellden (2003) showed that students think that gases are weightless. Studies conducted by Griffiths & Preston (1992), Özmen (2011), and Valanides (2000) reported that many students think particle size increase as it changes from a liquid state to a gas state. In addition, Gabel, Samuel and Hunn (1987) and Özmen (2011) found that students at all levels, and even teachers, think that the number of particles would change during phase and temperature changes. Osborne and Cosgrove (1983) and Valanides (2000) report that students have alternative conceptions related to the distance between particles during the change of states. As a number of students perceive that there are no gaps between the particles of a liquid or gas, most students think that there are no spaces between the particles of a solid. These results indicate that students have a tendency to use their perceptions of macroscopic changes of a substance to infer its phase change occurring at the microscopic level; the presence of the particles in three states of matter is counter-intuitive to their knowledge. Based on a review of the literature, Tsai (1999) summarized students’ alternative conceptions of microscopic views on phase change using four major categories: size, distance, reorganization, and motionlessness.

The most important results emerging from the above literature are, that students have difficulties in answering the following two questions:

  • what distinguishes solids, liquids, and gases – the so-called states of matter – from each other?
  • what changes occur during the transformation of matters?

Because of these difficulties, students hold many alternative conceptions about the particulate nature of matter, including the boiling, condensation, evaporation, and changes in the states of matter.

In the present study, we worked with pre-service teachers because primary school teachers could be a resource of alternative conceptions in students. Gilbert & Zylbersztajn (1985) suggested that alternative conceptions may arise as a result of interaction with teachers, as many of the above mentioned concepts are firstly taught in primary schools. However, primary school teachers often avoid chemical themes due to a lack of knowledge, interest, and confidence (Harlen & Holroyd, 1997). They also hold views of science concepts that are not in accordance with generally accepted scientific viewpoint (Harlen & Holroyd, 1997). Teachers must first develop an understanding of the chemistry concepts that they are expected to teach their students. When both teachers and prospective teachers do not completely understand the basic science concepts they will not be able teach them well (Abd-El-Khalick & Lederman, 2000) and they may cause their students to develop alternative conceptions (Quiles-Pardo & Solaz-Portoles, 1995).

Tsai (1999) has pointed out that traditional teaching strategies are ineffective in helping students to develop complete understanding of abstract scientific concepts, to build correct conceptions, to alleviate alternative conceptions, and to promote accurate conceptual change. Also, traditional lecture-based school science fails to sustain and develop student sense of wonder and curiosity.

To address the shortcomings of traditional teaching methods, researchers and educators have developed original and useful approaches to aid in teaching of science concepts. One of these approaches, thecontext-based approach, has become increasingly popular in many countries, including the UK (Barker & Millar, 2000; Bennett & Lubben, 2006), the USA (Schwartz, 2006), and Turkey (Demircioğlu, Demircioğlu & Ayas, 2006). This current study is based on the Salters Advanced Chemistry (SAC) unit that illustrates the context-based approach using thirteen theoretical units including StorylinesChemical ideas, andActivities (Bennett & Lubben, 2006). The storylines in the context-based approach relate theoretical knowledge to the real world (Bennett & Lubben, 2006), to communicate ideas, to make ideas meaningful, and to present the content of the curriculum (Banister & Ryan, 2001; Millar & Osborne, 1998). They also engage the student, facilitate common experiences, foster consciousness, and enrich the learning environment with contradictory voices (Barry et. al., 2002).

The context-based approach successfully addresses the age-old student question: Why do I need to learn this topic or concept? Furthermore, it is based on constructivist learning theory in that it links theoretical knowledge to daily life. When they are taught by this approach, students grasp theoretical knowledge and can apply it to new situations. In the literature, only a few studies (Banister & Ryan, 2001; Demircioğlu, 2008; Demircioğlu et al., 2009; Ramsden, 1997) have concentrated on context-based learning of key ideas (e.g., evaporation, condensation, boiling, and periodic table). Therefore, further evidence is needed to convince teachers to implement context-based learning in their classes.

The science knowledge learned in schools can explain most of the events or situations in daily life (TPSI, 1991). Unfortunately, in the public schools of many countries this association of concepts with events in daily life is not emphasized (Millar & Osborne, 1998). This lack of association negatively affects students’ attitude towards chemistry. Attitude is a significant factor affecting student achievement (Cheung, 2009). For example, Salta and Tzougraki (2004) found a meaningful correlation between student achievement in chemistry and their attitude towards chemistry. We also believe that the type and design of materials would increase students’ positive attitude towards chemistry. There is a need to develop teaching materials that provide meaningful learning, link concepts in curriculum to daily life, and help students develop higher order thinking skills.

Research questions

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of storylines embedded within a context-based approach on pre-service primary school teachers’ conceptions of matter and its states. Within this aim, the following research questions are specifically explored:

  1. Do the storylines embedded within a context-based approach cause a statistically significant improvement on pre-service teachers’ learning of matter and its states?
  2. How do the teaching activities based on the context-based approach influence pre-service teachers’ long-term memory retention of new conceptions about matter and its states.
  3. Are the storylines embedded within a context-based approach effective in overcoming pre-service teachers’ alternative conceptions of matter and its states?
  4. Do the storylines embedded within a context-based approach cause a statistically significant improvement in the students’ attitudes towards chemistry?
  5. Are correlations between the pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards chemistry and their achievement on matter and its states statistically significant?



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