Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 15, Issue 2, Article 8 (Dec., 2014)
Pratchayapong YASRI
A review of research instruments assessing levels of student acceptance of evolution

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Appendix A: The Measure of Acceptance of the Theory of Evolution (MATE) by Rutledge and Warden (2000)

For the following items, please indicate your agreement/disagreement with the given statements using the following scale:

  • A = Strongly Agree
  • B = Agree
  • C = Undecided
  • D = Disagree
  • E = Strongly Disagree
      1. Organisms existing today are the result of evolutionary processes that have occurred over millions of years.
      2. The theory of evolution is incapable of being scientifically tested.
      3. Modern humans are the product of evolutionary processes that have occurred over millions of years.
      4. The theory of evolution is based on speculation and not valid scientific observation and testing.
      5. Most scientists accept evolutionary theory to be a scientifically valid theory.
      6. The available data are ambiguous (unclear) as to whether evolution actually occurs.
      7. The age of the earth is less than 20,000 years.
      8. There is a significant body of data that supports evolutionary theory.
      9. Organisms exist today in essentially the same form in which they always have.
      10. Evolution in not a scientifically valid theory.
      11. The age of the earth is at least 4 billion years.
      12. Current evolutionary theory is the result of sound scientific research and methodology.
      13. Evolutionary theory generates testable predictions with respect to the characteristics of life.
      14. The theory of evolution cannot be correct since it disagrees with the Biblical account of creation.
      15. Humans exist today in essentially the same form in which they always have.
      16. Evolutionary theory is supported by factual historical and laboratory data.
      17. Much of the scientific community doubts if evolution occurs.
      18. The theory of evolution brings meaning to the diverse characteristics and behaviors observed in living forms.
      19. With few exceptions, organisms on earth came into existence at about the same time.
      20. Evolution is a scientifically valid theory.



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