Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 15, Issue 2, Article 7 (Dec., 2014)
A study of the environmental risk perceptions and environmental awareness levels of high school students

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Conclusion and recommendations

The general results of environmental risk perception levels show that high school students in Eskisehir have high risk perception levels towards environmental factors. Altunoglu and Atav (2009) obtained similar results in their study; they found that high school students have a risk perception over a medium level and that they have high awareness of environmental risks. Beyhun et al (2007) concluded that many topics accepted as environmental risks are not perceived as risks by the senior class students of a medical school. Future generations’ environmental risk perception levels are encouragingly high; they will make efforts to minimise the environmental risks because they will be the ones to solve these problems.

Altunoglu and Atav (2009) identified the top five environmental risks by comparing various research results regarding environmental risk perception. In their study, greenhouse gases, radiation, ozone pollution, hazardous waste sites and sewage constitute the top five. Gürsoy et al (2008) identified the top five greatest environmental risks as ozone pollution, chemical pollution, global warming, water pollution and germs in drinking water. Beyhun et al (2007) determined the top five environmental risks as ozone pollution, air pollution, chemical pollution, passive smoking, radiation. Slimak and Dietz (2006) determined the top five to be hazardous waste sites, persistent toxic organic compounds, sewage, radiation, heavy metals. Lai et al (2003) determined the top five to be radiation, chemical waste, ozone pollution, water pollution, and smoking in public areas. Walsh Danismandi and MacLachlan (2000) determined the top five to be ozone pollution, pollution caused by automobiles, smoking in public areas, pollution caused by factories, and radioactivity. Lazo, Kinnell and Fischer (2000) determined the top five to be ozone pollution, extinction of species, decrease in rainfall, desertification and loss of top soil. Riechard and Peterson (1998) determined water pollution, air pollution, ozone pollution, oil extraction and damage to trophic forests as the top five risks. In this study, however, the top five environmental risks are identified as smoking, nuclear waste, global warming, drugs and passive smoking. It is necessary to note that the compared studies have been carried out in different times and with different universes and samples.

Based on the environmental awareness level outcomes, in general, it can be stated that the level of high school students’ environmental awareness in Eskisehir are high. Kızılaslan (2005) stresses that the future generations can regard environmental awareness as a self-task and develop proper behaviours regarding the environment by being educated in this direction. Uzun and Saglam (2005) and Fernandez-Manzanal et al (2007) also mention the importance of a quality environmental education and the environmental awareness this education provides for the permanent solution of environmental problems.

In accordance with the findings obtained from this research, the below recommendations intend to increase the levels of environmental risk perception and environmental awareness.

  • Environmental education should be assured to take place at all stages, beginning with pre-school education.
  • To solve environmental problems and have adequate environmental awareness also outside school, social activities should be arranged, along with panel discussions, conferences and seminars, which will inform the majority of society, primarily students and families. Programs about the environment should be given higher priority and time in visual communication tools. The publicity of non-governmental institutions should be assured.
  • The number of scientific studies about the environment should be increased. The results of these scientific studies should activate environmental sensitivity.
  • High school curricula should be revised by improving the quality of the environmental education given to high school students. Environmental education classes should be shaped in a way that will enable students to take responsibility for developing environmental awareness. When establishing the environmental education programs, cooperation should be established with teachers and students.
  • The number of classes about the environment should be increased in high school programs and should be spread throughout the duration of high school. Applicable and project-focused courses should be added to the program instead of teaching primarily theoretical knowledge. Elective courses that include direct environmental education opportunities should be given priority.
  • In-service seminars should be arranged to educate teachers about the environment. Teachers who have adequate environmental education will be more successful in nurturing students with high environmental risk perceptions and environmental awareness levels.


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