Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 10, Issue 1, Article 13 (June, 2009)
Necati HIRÇA
From the teachers’ perspective: A way of simplicity for multimedia design

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I asked teachers if they would be interested in participating in a study about creating their own multimedia. Nine experienced-teachers accepted my offer to participate. The Participants were four science and technology teachers, two physics teachers, a geography teacher, a chemistry teacher and a mathematics teacher. Teachers’ completed the course over the period of one hour for a week (Appendix 1). The course was about the Adobe Captivate 3 software. During the course, teachers were expected to have knowledge and skills about creating their own multimedia.

The survey data was collected through semi-structured interviews, a qualitative method, in order to gain insights into teachers’ opinions. The interview is a “purposeful conversation” between two people (or more) with the explicit purpose of gaining information from the other (Bogdan & Biklen, 2003). The researcher interviewed all the participants after the course and directed only one question to them individually. The question asked them was, “What are your opinions and views about creating own Multimedia?” The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, and the findings were digitalized and presented.


Copyright (C) 2009 HKIEd APFSLT. Volume 10, Issue 1, Article 13 (Jun., 2009). All Rights Reserved.