Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 10, Issue 1, Article 6 (June, 2009)
Ayşegül SAĞLAM-ARSLAN & Mehmet Altan KURNAZ
Prospective physics teachers’ level of understanding energy, power and force concepts

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The present study was carried out with a qualitative point of view which aims to perform research without manipulating the situation. The study sample consisted of 56 students enrolled in an introductory physics course in the physics education program in a university in the Karadeniz region of Turkey in 2007.

The sample had taken several courses related to the concepts of energy as 5th grade students through university. During this process, students were expected to learn energy concepts based on energy transformations associated with macro-level work concepts and micro-level heat concepts. The students also recognized force and power concepts related to the concept of energy. Furthermore, students were expected to learn about the conservation of energy by making associations with daily life experiments. In introductory physics courses at the university, students encountered similar topics once more within a more scientific manner. In summary, students learn mechanical energy concepts. 


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