亞太科學教育論壇,第一期,第二冊,專題版一 (二千年十二月)


We where not sure at first wheather to believe that carbon dioxide will cause global awrming as warned by scientists. Our investigation nshows us that this is true.
What can we do?

We, humans, are producing more and more carbon dioxide - motor vehicles giving out fumes, factories giving out smoke, burning forests to clear land etc. Without knowing it, we are making our Earth hotter. How can children help? These are some of our suggestions:

Practise daily the good habit of recycling and reusing items like boxes,paper, plastic bags etc. so that less waste need be burnt (remember that burning produces heat and carbon dioxide).
Walk, cycle or use public transport. If everyone of us must go around in our cars, then we will be adding a lot of carbon dioxide to the air. Walk more. It's good for your health too.
Use energy that does not come from burning, e.g. use solar energy and switch off electricity when an appliance is not in use (remember - electricity is produced by burning of petroleum and coal.)
Plant more trees so that they can help to absorb more carbon dioxide. Have a tree-planting day like in Singapore.
Talk to friends, parents and relatives about global warming.
Put up a class newsletter for putting up newspaper cuttings on global warming.





| Index | Preparations | Processes | Discussion | Results | Conclusion | Editors' Word |

Copyright (C) 2000 HKIEd APFSLT. Volume 1, Issue 2, Special Section 1 (Dec., 2000).