Prof. Allan Walker |
Research on Chinese Principals and Their Work
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Dr Bambang Sumintono |
Principals’ preparation and development: Indonesian case studies
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Dr Nguyen Thi Ngoc Bich |
Research on Instructional Leadership in Vietnamese Context: Toward Changing the Role of School Leaders or Structure of Educational System
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Prof. Bruce Barnett |
Learning from the International Knowledge Base on Instructional Leadership
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Dr Tan Cheng Yong |
Principals' Contribution to Educational Inequity. An Analysis of the Structure-Agency Relationship in the Centrally Controlled Education System of Singapore
Prof. Clive Dimmock |
Principals' Contribution to Educational Inequity. An Analysis of the Structure-Agency Relationship in the Centrally Controlled Education System of Singapore
Dr Ho Choi Wa, Dora |
Leadership as Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education
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Dr Darren Bryant |
How Do International Schools Enhance Teacher Commitment in Taking Up Leadership responsibilities?
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Dr David Foo Seong Ng |
How Do Primary School Principals in Singapore Conceive and Enact Their Role as Instructional Leaders?
Dr Nyeu Fong-Yee |
Leading School for Learning: Principal Practices in Taiwan
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Prof. Gerald Fry |
Buddhism and Leadership for
Teaching Excellence
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Dr Guri Skedsmo |
Professional Learning through Reflection Promoted by Feedback and Coaching (PROFLEC): The Participants’ Views on the Piloting of the PROFLEC Model (Survey Data)
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Dr. Hairon Salleh |
Predictors of Instructional Leadership in Singapore School System: Reflections on Preliminary Findings in the Context of Asian Knowledge Building
Dr Qian Haiyan |
Research on Chinese Principals and Their Work
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Dr Nguyen Vu Bich Hien |
Develop training program framework for school principals in Vietnam to meet the requirements of innovation school program and textbooks after 2015
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Prof. Pan Hui-Ling, Wendy |
Leading School for Learning: Principal Practices in Taiwan
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Prof. Ibrahim Ahmad Bajunid |
Education Myths in an Age of Unreason: ASEAN Perspectives
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Mrs Jenny Lewis |
Leading, Learning, Loving It,
Leading Tomorrow’s Early Childhood Education (ECEC) settings today
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Dr Li Jiacheng |
Calling for Bravery: On Principals’ Instructional Leadership in the Context of Hubei Province
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Dr. Lu Jiafang |
School Leadership Teams in Hong Kong and Shanghai
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Prof. Kerry Kennedy |
Leading for Civic Learning in Asian Contexts: How Schools and Classrooms in Asia Support Adolescent Political Socialization
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Dr Li Lijuan, Joanna |
Collaboration as a Mediator in the Relationship between Principal Leadership and Teacher Professional Learning: The Hong Kong Experience
Prof. Neil Dempster |
Implementing Literacy Leadership:
A Case Study
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Prof. Philip Hallinger |
On Predicting Teacher Professional Learning in Hong Kong Primary Schools: Mediating Effects of Trust, Communication, and Collaboration
Prof. Saravanan Gopinathan |
Predictors of Instructional Leadership in Singapore School System: Reflections on Preliminary Findings in the Context of Asian Knowledge Building
Dr Sailesh Sharma |
High Need Schools in Malaysia: Challenges for School leaders
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Dr Cheng Shu Huei |
Leading School for Learning: Principal Practices in Taiwan
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Dr Szeto Sing Ying, Elson |
A Systematic Review of Research on Educational Leadership in Hong Kong 1995-2014
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Prof. Stephen Huber |
Professional Learning through Reflection Promoted by Feedback and Coaching (PROFLEC): The Participants’ Views on the Piloting of the PROFLEC Model (Survey Data)
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Dr Lee Tai Hoi, Theodore |
Teachers' Perception of Middle Leadership in Hong Kong Schools
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Dr Terry Quong |
Learning from Difference: A Comparison of Australian and Hong Kong School Education
Dr Nguyen Chi Thanh |
Research on Instructional Leadership in Vietnamese Context: Toward Changing the Role of School Leaders or Structure of Educational System
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Prof. Yang Xiaowei |
Explore New Mechanism in Promoting the Development of Balanced and High-quality Education in the District Level ----
Take Collectivization School-running as an Example
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Dr Cheng Yan Ni, Annie |
Impact of Principal-teacher Interactions on Teachers’ Leadership Development
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Dr Zheng Yulian |
Research on Chinese Principals and Their Work
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