Understanding School Management Teams: Beyond Sharing Role Responsibilities

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Principal Investigator
Dr. Lu Jiafang
Associate Director and Research Fellow of APCLC,
The Education University of Hong Kong
Professor Philip Hallinger
Professor Allan Walker
Professor Dean Tjosvold
Dr. Song Zhaoli
Dr. Qian Haiyan 
Professor Yang Xiaowei
Funding Source
Early Career Scheme
Project Duration


The current school management system has made it exceedingly difficult for one single principal to influence all aspects of school life. With the global movement towards decentralization of school governance, as well as the increasingly more ambitious but often ambiguous goals for school education, team-based management is expected to function as a central engine for school effectiveness and continuous improvement. This project focuses on school management teams at three types of primary schools in the region: local schools in Hong Kong, local schools in Mainland China, and international schools at both places. It seeks to advance a dynamic and multilevel understanding of school management teams.

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