Page 5 - The Architecture of Professional Development
P. 5

Introduc on

               As an aesthe c form, architecture deals with the crea on and defini on of space expressed
               in buildings and other physical structures.  The Coliseum in Rome, Notre Dame in Paris, and

               the United States Capitol in Washington, DC through their designs define space, capture our
               imagina on, and communicate important cultural and historical messages.  Similarly, the
               architecture of professional development communicates messages about teaching, learning,

               and educa onal reform by crea ng and defining professional learning spaces for teachers
               and principals.  In this booklet I build on and extend earlier work on the architecture of
               professional development in schools (Bredeson 2002).  The purpose of this booklet is to
               accomplish three broad objec ves.  First, I describe an emerging architecture for teacher

               professional development highligh ng its underlying design principles, essen al
               components, and expressions in contemporary educa onal reform in schools.  The second
               objec ve is to propose a framework for evalua ng the architecture of professional

               development.  In the final sec on of the booklet, I describe how the systema c evalua on of
               professional development helps us be er understand the messages and meanings
               communicated in current expressions of professional development architecture.

                                          Architecture is a form of language,
                                          of communica on.  It speaks.  It can
                                          convey through its design its place in

                                          society, its content.

                                                             J.F. O’Gorman, 1998

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