Page 22 - The Architecture of Professional Development
P. 22


              Understanding why the assessment informa on is important (value) helps shape the purpose as well
              as provides the jus fica on for carrying out the professional development evalua on.  To begin, the
              purpose would determine whether the assessment was forma ve, e.g., to provide informa on to
              monitor and adjust professional development prac ce, or summa ve, e.g., to make judgments about
              the overall quality of professional development and choices regarding its future.  Within these two
              broad categories, assessment data from the evalua on of professional development provides valuable
              informa on for‐‐conduc ng cost‐benefit analyses; understanding outcomes for learners and their
              clients; making adjustments in the design, delivery, and content of learning opportuni es; building
              individual and collec ve capacity in schools; diagnosing cri cal gaps in knowledge, skills, prac ces, and
              condi ons to support professional learning; repor ng to policy makers; and, documen ng professional
              learning for teacher evalua on, pay for performance teacher compensa on systems, and professional

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