Page 11 - Mini-Module 10
P. 11

The awareness stage then involves clarifying what you believe and
                           what it is you want to achieve.  What you want to achieve is best
                           captured through setting goals or targets, in other words, by setting
                           goals and targets you are actually defining what is important to you.
                           It is not an easy task to identify your goals accurately.  Usually you
                           will have some idea of what they entail, but you must consciously
                           ‘dig’ them out of your mind.  The following points may help you to
                           define and set goals.

                           ●    Importance/Priorities: Separate personal, professional (career
                                or business) and family goals.
                           ●    Past Experience: Think about the things you have done or
                                those that have happened to you that have made you feel
                                ‘good’: when you felt you had really achieved something.
                           ●    Realistic: Make sure the goals you set are realistic.
                           ●    Limited: While some goals may be realistic, others may be set
                                too low to challenge you.
                           ●    Specific: Make sure your goals are reasonably specific and
                                include some form of a deadline.  Think about how you will
                                achieve your goals and plan for this.

                           ●    Written: Put your goals in writing – they will be of little use for
                                planning if they are not formalized.

                           INFLUENCES ON TIME USAGE, OTHER FACTORS

                           An example of a preferred way of working is shown below, with an
                           assessment of its impact on the Beginning Principal’s time.

                                     DESCRIPTION            INFLUENCE ON TIME USAGE
                              Door is always open to      Always being interrupted.  Never
                              teachers for any reason.    seem to be able to work on a project
                                                          for a long period of time.
                                                          Concentration broken.

                                                          WAYS OF COMMUNICATING

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