Journal Publications

Title and Abstract
Cheng, Y. C.

International Journal of Educational Development

Teacher management and educational reforms: Paradigm shifts. Prospects, 39(1), 69-89.

Abstract: Reflecting on the trends and waves of educational reform in the Asia-Pacific region, this paper introduces an international lesson on the emerging syndrome of educational reform across the region and illustrates its negative impacts on teacher ecology and teacher management.

Keywords: Teacher management, Education reform, Asia-Pacific region
Cheng, Y. C.

International Journal of Educational Management

Hong Kong educational reforms in Hong Kong in the last decide: Reform syndrome and new developments. International Journal of Educational Management, 23(1), 65-86.

Originality/value – From the analysis of the reform syndrome, particularly the bottle-neck effect, there should be seven key aspects for policy-makers, educators and stakeholders in Hong Kong to address the emergent key issues in educational reforms and work for the further development of their education system in the coming few years.

Keywords: Educational innovation, Educational policy
Ralston, D., Hallinger, P., et al.

Ethical preferences for influencing superiors: A 41-society study. Journal of International Business Studies, 40(6), 1022-1045.

With a 41-society sample of 9990 managers and professionals, we used hierarchical linear modeling to investigate the impact of both macro-level and micro-level predictors on subordinate influence ethics. While we found that both macro-level and micro-level predictors contributed to the model definition, we also found global agreement for a subordinate influence ethics hierarchy.

Keywords: cross-cultural management; influence strategies; social beliefs; subordinate ethics; sociocultural and business ideology factors; hierarchical linear modeling
Heck, R. H.,
& Hallinger, P.

Journal of Educational Administration

Assessing the contribution of distributed leadership to school improvement and growth in math achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 46(3), 659-689.

Abstract: This longitudinal study examines the effects of distributed leadership on school improvement and growth in student math achievement in 195 elementary schools in one state over a 4-year period. Using multilevel latent change analysis, the research found significant direct effects of distributed leadership on change in the schools’ academic capacity and indirect effects on student growth rates in math.

Keywords: distributed leadership, collaborative leadership, school improvement, student learning, educational change

Ho, D.

International Journal of Educational Management

Human resource management in Hong Kong preschools: The impact of falling rolls on staffing. International Journal of Educational Management, 23(3), 217-226.

Abstract: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss the impact of falling rolls on human resource management in local preschools in Hong Kong. It aims to argue that the developing role of leadership in creating a culture and procedures for collective participation in staff appraisal is important for human resource management in preschool settings.

Keywords: Human resource management, Leadership, Workplace training, Performance appraisal, Schools, Hong Kong
Li, Y. L.

International Journal of Leadership in Education

The perspectives and experiences of Hong Kong preschool teacher mentors: Its implications for mentoring. Teacher Development, 13(2), 147-157.

Abstract: Findings suggested that there was a tendency of the mentors to take an authoritarian role on the rights and wrongs of protégés' teaching while managing to maintain trust and warm relationships. A particular interaction pattern between the mentors and protégés emerged. There were signs of a clear preference for performing the role of guiding teaching evaluations and the mentor teachers had a very positive attitude towards providing 'assistance' to the less experienced teachers.

Keywords: mentors; teacher mentoring; mentoring programs
Yu, C. W. M.,
& Man, T. W. Y.

International Journal of Leadership in Education

Social interaction and the formation of entrepreneurial characteristics: A case study in an authentic enterprise activity. Journal of Workplace Learning, 21(8), 595-613.

Abstract: This paper is an empirical study which aims to investigate the development of social interaction and their impacts on developing learners’ entrepreneurial characteristics throughout their participation in an authentic enterprise activity.

Keywords: Social interaction, Organizations, Education, Entrepreneurialism, Hong Kong
Ng, S. W.

International Journal of Leadership in Education

Why did principals and teachers respond differently to curriculum reform? Teacher Development, 13(3), 187-203.

Abstract: This article presents the finding of an interim evaluation survey commissioned by the Education Bureau of Hong Kong on the effectiveness of the curriculum reform initiated in 2001. Drawing upon change theories for analysis of the study, the article examines the perceptions of both principals and teachers on the effectiveness of short-term curriculum development in schools from 2001 to 2006 through self-administered questionnaire survey as well as focus group interviews.

Keywords: curriculum reform; educational change; collegiality; school culture; professional development
Ng, S. W.

International Journal of Leadership in Education

Transformation of students into active and participatory citizens: An exploratory study in Hong Kong. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 8(3), 181-196.

Abstract: Based on the data collected from focus groups and individual interviews with secondary school students and civic education teachers, this article explores how young people are transformed to become active and participatory citizens.

Keywords: Transformation, Active citizenship, Political socialization, Civic education, Participatory citizen
Walker, A.,
& Cheng, Y. C.

Leading international primary schools: An integrative agenda for building understanding. International Studies in Educational Administration. 37(1), 43-61.

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to encourage discussion and research into international primary school leadership. To do this, the article discusses reasons for the growing interest in international primary schools, argues that research in the area is underdone, reports the findings of a simple study in the area, and suggests a basic integrative framework that may inform future research efforts.

Keywords: International schools; Educational leadership; Research; Success; Public institutions