Page 17 - ALR2019 Handbook
P. 17

Colonel Areewan Sutthipongpan
                                                 Chulachomkloa Royal Military Academy

                         Colonel  Areewan  Sutthipongpan  is  an  Assistant  Professor  and  a  lecturer  of  the
                         Department of Law and Social Science Division at Chulachomklao Royal Military
                         Academy,  Thailand.  She  holds  a  doctorate  in  educational  administration  from
                         Chulalongkorn  University,  a  master  degree  in  economics  from  Kasetsart
                         University,  and  a  bachelor  degree  in  science  and  technology  from  Thammasat
                         University.  She  began  teaching  at  the  Armed  Forces  Academies  Preparatory
                         School in Science Division for 13 years, then taught at the Chulachomklao Royal
                         Military Academy in economics for four years until the present. She has published
                         numeral research and academic articles in the area of leadership. She currently
                         serves as an assistant to the editorial boards of the CRMA Journal of Humanities
                         and Social Sciences.

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