Page 123 - ALR2019 Handbook
P. 123

Prof. Tobias Feldhoff
                                                 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

                         Tobias Feldhoff is a full professor for education and school research and head of
                         the  Center  for  School  Improvement  and  School  Effectiveness  Research  at  the
                         Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. He is also chair of the Center for Research
                         on School, Education and Higher Education (ZSBH). From 2011 to 2015 he was an
                         assistant professor for Empirical Educational Research and School Development at
                         the Department of Educational Quality and Evaluation at the Leibniz Institute for
                         International  Educational  Research  (DIPF)  as  well  as  at  the  Goethe  University,
                         Frankfurt. From 2008 to 2011 he was a senior researcher at the Institute for the
                         Management and Economics of Education at the University of Teacher Education
                         Central  Switzerland.  From  2005  to  2008  he  worked  as  a  PhD  student  at  the
                         Institute for School Development Research (IFS) at the TU Dortmund University,
                         where he finished his PhD in 2010.

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