Page 23 - EdUHK Comm Book Flip book
P. 23

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
On this joyous occasion, the birth of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), I extend from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University our warmest congratulations!
For decades the institution has contributed immensely to the development of the local education sector and helped lay a strong foundation upon which our society has progressed. Over the last few years, it has made ceaseless efforts to further strengthen its teaching and research capacities in multiple disciplines, transforming itself from a respected institute of education into a full- edged university. This new status undoubtedly marks a signi cant milestone and is recognition
of its long and eminent history in nurturing teachers as well as in conducting education research.
I have no doubt that EdUHK will not only take the development of teacher education to the next level, but also create valuable intellectual resources that will enable our community to rise to future challenges.
I look forward to building closer collaborative relationships between our universities for the advancement of higher education in Hong Kong and beyond in the years ahead.
Best wishes from all of us at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Timothy W. Tong, Ph.D. President
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

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