Welcome to the Fourth World Universities Forum
Hosted by the Hong Kong Institute of Education

The Fourth World Universities Forum (WUF) will be held at the Hong Kong Institute of Education 14 - 16 January 2011. The 2011 WUF builds on the success of three previous Fora, which were held in Davos, Switzerland (2008), Mumbai, India (2009), and again in Davos (2010).

Hong Kong is a very appropriate location for this year's World Universities Forum.

Asia has long played an important role in higher education, and its importance is only becoming more profound.  In recognition of this, the 2011 World Universities Forum will feature the major focus, "Asia Rising and the Changing Architecture of Global Higher Education." The WUF welcomes highly distinguished speakers who will address this focus in their plenary presentations. 

I invite you to submit a paper proposal for one of the WUF's parallel sessions. Your proposal may be on this year's major focus, or on the broader theme of the WUF:  the current state and future role of the university.

I hope you will join us in Hong Kong in January 2011.

MOK, Ka Ho Joshua
Associate Vice President (External Relations)
Dean of Faculty of Arts and Sciences
The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong S.A.R., China