
You are warmly invited to attend the "Giving Value to Values Education Symposium", to be held at the Hong Kong Institute of Education on October 24 and 25, this year. This Symposium is jointly organised by the HKIEd and Living Values Education Programme, a UNESCO and UNICEF sponsored values education programme.

The main focus of the symposium is on teaching values in the classroom. This is particularly relevant to the Hong Kong schools context, where values and attitudes are to be integrated into the new curriculum. Curriculum developers from the Curriculum Development Institute will present a keynote and lead workshops relevant to teaching values in the local context. Educators and early childhood education specialist from Beijing, and UNESCO will also join us to present keynotes and share experience with us in the China and global context.

We look forward to seeing you in this important event in October!

All our best wishes,
Symposium Steering Committee


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Created: 2 September 2003
Last modified: September 2003
Authorised by: Department of Educational Policy and Administration
Maintained by: Centre for Integrating Technology in Education (CITIE), The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Email: Ms June Ho scho@ied.edu.hk