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Payment for the Fifth International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

個人資料 Personal Information

電郵 Email

所屬機構 Affiliation

所屬機構所在地 Country/Region of Affiliation

(e.g. CHAN Tai Man)

(e.g. 陳大文)

註冊費 Registration Fee

港幣1,200元 HKD1,200 (≈美元160元 USD160)

須知 Important Notes

  1. 繳費表內所有資料必須填寫
    All information in the form should be completed properly.

  2. 繳費系統只提供信用卡(Visa/MasterCard)付款之用,款項並以港元(HKD)結算。如需要,可向發卡銀行查詢外幣交易之手續費及貨幣兌換匯率。
    The payment system will charge the fee in HK Dollar (HKD) made by credit card (VISA or MASTERCARD). If your card is not billed in HK Dollars (HKD), please inquire about any additional fees and exchange rate with your card issuer.

  3. 所有已繳費用將不會發還
    All fees paid are non-refundable.

  4. 繳費表收集之所有個人資料,僅供「第五屆國際漢語教學研討會」之用。
    All information collected is only for the Fifth International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language.

  5. 如有問題,歡迎聯絡秘書處 (電郵。
    For enquiries, please contact our Secretariat on

秘書處 Secretariat

電郵 Email:
網頁 Website:

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