学校协作及体验事务处致力支援、协调及加强与学校伙伴的协作及学校体验方面的政策与实践。 透过积极支持伙伴学校建立教学启导团队及提升教师专业发展,促进与伙伴学校的互惠关系。
Field Experience is viewed as central to our education programmes at the EdUHK, because it:
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- places student teachers in schools which are important sites for learning to teach and where they interpret, generate, interact and experiment with theory.
- encourages student teachers to innovate and reflect on their practice within a supportive environment as part of their professional development process.
- provides student teachers with the opportunity for socialisation into the profession.
- facilitates the creation of a learning community in which student teachers, supporting teachers and EdUHK supervisors can learn together and so mutually enhance their professional development.
- gives student teachers the opportunity to develop and ultimately to demonstrate their competence and readiness to enter the profession.