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To help students reflecting on their ethical decision making and problem solving skills (two of the undergraduate GILOs), guiding questions are incorporated in the FE and Professional Learning Portfolio. Connections between student’s attainment in two of the seven GILOs and FE are as follows:
GILO Connection
Ethical Decision Making Attainment of FEILO 10(b): reflects on and evaluates the process and outcomes of his/her own teaching and ethical practices in school for the purpose of continuous professional learning
Problem Solving FEILO 6: demonstrate the ability to use pedagogical content knowledge in planning, developing and implementing appropriate aspects of the subject curriculum and
FEILO 10(a): reflects on and evaluates the process and outcomes of his/her own teaching and ethical practices in school for the purpose of continuous professional learning
GILO rubrics have been developed to guide students for their portfolio work and facilitate Professional FE Tutors for their assessment.