About SES > People
Lecturer I
Academic Profile
Research Interests
- Science/STEM Education
- Gifted Education
Teaching Areas
- Science/STEM Education
- Gifted Education
- General Studies Education
- Science Education
Self Introduction
- Graduated from EDUHK, I was an experienced frontline teachers both in Primary and Secondary Schools.
- I am deeply involved in promoting STEM education and Gifted Education. I was a curriculum developer both in Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Academy of Gifted Education.
Selected Publications
- Learning and Teaching Resource CD for Primary General Studies (Science and Technology)小學常識科學與教資源套(科學與科技)
- https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/curriculum-development/kla/general-studies-for-primary/learning-and-teaching_resource_cd_st/index.html