Research/RAE > Research Projects
Prof. WONG Ming Hung - Upgrading Food Wastes as Feeds for Inland Fish Culture in South China
Prof. WONG, Ming Hung - Ecological Monitoring in SENT Landfill and Surrounding Area 2019-2020
Prof. WU Shiu Sun Rudolf - Environmental Sustainability as Strategic Research Area
Prof. WU Shiu Sun Rudolf - Functional Responses of Marine Ecosystem to Hypoxia
Prof. WU Shiu Sun Rudolf - Global Artificial Mussel Watch
Prof. WU Shiu Sun Rudolf - Unravelling the Epigenetic Mechanisms Underlying Reproductive Impairment Induced by Hypoxia
Prof. YEUNG Yau Yuen - Application and Promotion of an Innovative Mobile Logger for Effective Teaching and Learning of Science and Environmental Studies
Prof. YEUNG Yau Yuen - Case Study Teaching in Hong Kong STEM Education: Development of Pilot Cases and Evaluation of Learning Effectiveness
Prof. YEUNG Yau Yuen - First-principles Study of New Luminescent Materials Formed From Lanthanide Ions and Neighboring Point Defects: Characteristics and Formation Mechanisms
Prof. YEUNG Yau Yuen - Innovative ways of using mobile devices for supporting e-learning in science and environmental studies within and outside the classroom environment