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Campus View 75
Student Halls
Discretionary Hall Places

Discretionary Hall Places


The applications for discretionary hall places 2024/25 will be open to all full-time EdUHK students who have a special reason(s) for on-campus accommodation but fail to get a hall place under the prevailing hall point system, from 17 June 2024, 09:00 am to 13 September 2024, 12:00 noon. Applicants can only apply for discretionary hall place to the Dean of Students [Dean(S)] or a Warden. 


Consideration for discretionary hall places would be made on a case-by-case basis depending on urgent needs with reference, but not limited to:


  • Dean of Students’ Discretion:
    Health/family issues, contributions to the University, or other special reasons which cannot be reflected in the Point System.
  • Wardens’ Discretion:
    Hall contribution and/or hall-related roles.


Application should be made by duly completing the online application form and submitting related supporting documents. 


Important Notes:


  1. Applicants must read through the “Guidelines for Application on Student Accommodations 2024/25” on the Hall Management Section website before applying for a discretionary hall place.
  2. Once an applicant is OFFERED a hall place / DECLINED a hall offer in any round of hall application in 2024/25, his/her application for discretionary hall place 2024/25 will be automatically cancelled. The applicant will not receive any notification for this. However, if the applicant applies for a whole year hall place through the iHostel and receives a semester hall place, the applicant may still be considered for a discretionary hall place for the other semester.
  3. Applicants are required to provide ALL proofs in relation to the reason(s) mentioned in his/her application. The proofs should be issued within the last 6 -12 months before the application unless otherwise specified. We will review the applications on a case-by-case basis. We will not request any documents/proofs from any organisation/person on behalf of the applicant. Applications which are incomplete or missing any supporting documents will NOT be considered.
  4. Applicants are responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of the documents they submit. For applicants who submit any falsified documents, their application will be immediately disqualified, and they are also subject to the University's disciplinary actions.
  5. Applicants must submit their applications by the prescribed deadline and through the designated channel. We will not accept any late or alternative submissions.
  6. The application, once submitted, cannot be changed or modified. In the event of repeated submission, only the latest submission will be processed.
  7. Due to limited quotas, we will prioritise the applications with greater or urgent needs for on-campus accommodation. We will notify applicants of the result of their application by email.
  8. If one’s application is successful, the successful applicant will only be guaranteed an on-campus hall place without any right to choose a hall (except for Wardens’ discretionary hall place) or room type.
  9. All data collected will be used for application for discretionary hall place 2024/25, statistics and office records only.


The application results will be announced from late September to mid-October 2024. Applicants with urgent needs may be notified before this period. Please note that only successful applicants will be notified by email separately.


For enquiries, please contact the Hall Management Section at 2948 6868 or hall-sao@eduhk.hk.