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Global Experiential Learning
How to be Global

Sharing Session: Make peace, not war - Response to the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis

Self Photos / Files - Make PEACE, not war




Sharing Sessions: Global Education Secrets

Self Photos / Files - workshop_Promo-01
今個3月,一連4節「教育界 Global Secrets」線上人物專訪,分別有來自元宇宙及正規教育領域的專業人士為我們剖析,在這個「數碼原住民 (Digital Native)」年代生存應具備的專業思維及全球視野。

1. 元宇宙 NFT篇
2. 海外服務篇
3. 課外活動篇

4. 國際教育篇


How to Be Global: Understanding Cultural Universals

Self Photos / Files - Combine

How curious are you? 

Curiosity is such a powerful characteristic that can predict your success in school, career and life. How to Be Global: Understanding Cultural Universals lunchtime webinar series is designed to enhance your knowledge of different cultures from an everyday-life perspective.


Session 1: How to Dress Up

Session 2: Wine and Dine

Session 3: You Are What You Speak

Session 4: I Go to School by…

Session 5: Interview with Ernest (Ern9) from Trial & Error