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Campus Life
Clearance Deadline


  1. Students applying for lockers in different years are subject to different deadlines for clearing their lockers, as shown in the table below.


Locker Clearance Deadline

Applicants in 2023-24

By 30 June 2024

Applicants in 2022-23

By 30 June 2023

Applicants before 2022-23

By end of the course/programme (which is normally late June)


  1. The Student Affairs Office (SAO) may request the users of lockers to remove any items stored in the lockers by a specified date which could be earlier than the end of the users’ course/programme; in any such case, prior notice will be given to the users concerned.


  1. If a student wants to extend the usage period due to very special reasons, e.g. repeating courses, etc., he/she should make a request to the SAO by email (locker@eduhk.hk) as soon as possible before the locker clearance deadline.