The new semester is starting! Do you want to continue your exciting university life and make more friends before the end of the semester? Are you in search of enriching and purposeful activities? Funded by the UGC’s Whole-person Development Fund (WPDF), SAO has prepared a series of meaningful activities for everyone! The Hong Kong and Mainland Recruitment and Networking Expo helps you connect with industry professionals to expand your network and explore career opportunities; Connect the Dots promotes well-being, enhances mindfulness, and celebrates diverse traditions; Global Lens series aims to empower students to explore and connect with the world without geographical constraints; of course, there are also Hall Life Education activities to have fun with your friends! Countless special activities but limited spots are available, so don't miss out!
To ensure students would benefit from the WPDF, all UGC undergraduate students are required to participate in at least one of the Whole-person Development activities in 2023-2025. Students’ participation in WPDF’s activities will be recorded in the ELAT.
There's no better time to make your university life truly extraordinary. Please visit this website for the activities’ details in 2024-25. Don't miss this opportunity to set the stage for a remarkable future.
For inquiries, please visit the SAO counter at B4-G/F-01 or contact us via 2948 6720 /
Join us now! We are looking forward to seeing you!
Activity list