Creating culturally responsive classrooms in a Chinese context: A study of teacher and school attitudes to multicultural teaching competence in Hong Kong schools.
Principal Investigator
Dr Hue, Ming Tak
Area of Research Project
Teacher and Teaching Development
Project Period
From 12/2013 To 12/2016
To examine teachers’ and students’ constructs of cultural responsiveness and multiculturalism
To investigate teachers’ perceptions of multicultural teaching competence
To explore school differences by identifying factors affecting the creation of culturally responsive classrooms
To find out the difficulties of promoting cultural responsiveness and multicultural competence
To identify teachers’ professional development needs for the promotion of the culturally responsive teaching
Methods Used
Multicultural Teaching Competency Scales (MTCS) instrument aims at assessing teachers¡¦ perceptions of culturally teaching competence.
Depression, Anxiety and Stress scales (DASS) instrument targets at measuring teachers¡¦ mental health state.
Semi-structured interviews with teachers will identify school influence on culturally responsive teaching
Classroom observation and focus group interviews will find out how teachers and students define their own roles in classrooms
Summary of Findings
Understand multiculturalism by exploring its meanings in Chinese context
Find out the difficulties of promoting cultural responsiveness and multicultural competence at schools
Explore how teachers and students define their roles in classrooms
Conduct in-depth analysis of cultural responsiveness and its links to teaching and learning
Formulate school policies and practices on multicultural inclusive education
Enhance teachers’ multicultural teaching competence by raising awareness of cultural responsiveness in professional teaching development programs
Hue, M.T., & Kennedy, K. J. (in press). The challenge of promoting ethnic minority education and cultural diversity in Hong Kong schools: from policy to practice. Revista Española de Educación Comparada.
Hue, M.T., & Kennedy, K. J. (in press). The challenge of promoting ethnic minority education and cultural diversity in Hong Kong schools: from policy to practice. Revista Española de Educación Comparada.
Biography of Principal Investigator
Dr Hue Ming-Tak obtained his M.Ed. at the University of Bristol, and Ph.D. at the Institute of Education, at the University of London. He now works at the Department of Special Education and Counselling, the Hong Kong Institute of Education. He teaches graduate courses in self and personal growth, school guidance and counseling, classroom management, behavior management and inclusive education. He is interested in pastoral care, liberal studies curriculum, whole person growth of students, support of ethnic minority students, and the development of school-based guidance and discipline programmes.