Celeste Y. M. Yuen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Education Policy and Leadership, Hong Kong Institute of Education. Her research interests include Chinese immigrants and cross-boundary students in Hong Kong, ethnicity and identities, intercultural teacher education, education for all and pedagogical issues. In the past decade she has led over 10 territory-wide consultancy studies and large scale projects funded by both internal and external organizations. On the subject relating to life satisfaction, spiritual health and engagement with school and society of adolescents from diverse cultural backgrounds, for example, she has recently secured funding from the Research Grant Council in Hong Kong to conduct one public policy and one general reseach fund research projects (Jan 2013 – Dec 2014). I have published numerous papers, news articles, chapters and reports and some of them appear in various journals such as Journa of Youth Studies, Compare, Teaching and Teacher Education, Intercultural Education and Pacific-Asian Education.