Officiating Guests (from left): Dr. Tsui Kwok Tung, Conference Coordinator, Dr. Catherine Chan, Deputy Secretary for Education, The Government of the HKSAR, Prof. Anthony Cheung President, HKIEd, Prof. Kerry J. Kennedy, Chairperson of Conference Organizing Committee, Prof. Peter Blatchford, University of London, Prof. Nicola Jill Yelland, HKIEd |
開幕禮主禮嘉賓(由左至右):研討會籌備委員會主任徐國棟博士、研討會籌備委員會主席Prof. Kerry J. Kennedy、香港教育學院校長張炳良教授、香港特別行政區政府教育局副秘書長陳嘉琪博士、University of London 教授Prof. Peter Blatchford, , 香港教育學院教授Prof. Nicola Jill Yelland |