Below is the statistics of the staff IT training in the third quarter 2011. ITS delivered 11 class-day training on 10 different topics in the third quarter 2011. The total number of enrollment is 120 and 90% of them are successful. And the show up rate in the class is about 89%. After collecting 55 questionnaires, we have summarized the statistics as follows: Q1. Are you an administrative staff or an academic staff? Findings: 56% of attendees are administrative staff and 44% are academic staff. Q2. How useful is the information presented in the training session? Findings: 84% of the attendees found that the information presented in the class is useful and 16% of attendees found that only some information are useful.
Q3. Is the information presented in the right level? Findings: About 89% of the attendees found that the information presented in the training is at the right level.
Q4. Please comment on the duration of the training. Findings: 78% of the attendees found that the duration of the training is just right.
Q5. How well is the content of the training organized? Findings: About 83% of the attendees rated the training organization and presentation to good or above.
Q6. Please comment on the presentation skill of the trainer(s). Findings: About 85% of the attendees rated the presentation skill of the trainer to good or above.
Q7. Please comment on the training facilities and environment. Findings: About 89% of the attendees rated the training facilities and environment to good or above.
Q8. Please rate your overall satisfaction. Findings: About 85% of the attendees rated the satisfaction level of the courses to good or above.
Q9. Would you like to attend a more advanced training of this subject in the future? Findings: 89% of the attendees would like to attend more advanced training courses in the similar subjects in the future.
Q10. How can we improve this training class? Findings: In order to improve the training classes, some attendees* suggest the following:
Note: In order to improve the quality of the training courses in the future, some of the comments and suggestions are sent to the contractors for reference. Q11. What other information Technology related training courses / seminars would you suggest ITS to offer in the future? No attendee suggest related training courses / seminars to ITS in the furture. Note: Some suggested training courses are already on our offering list, and some will be offered in the future.