Below is the statistics of the staff IT training in the first quarter 2013.

ITS delivered 15 class-day training on 14 different topics in the first quarter 2013. The total number of enrollment is 195 and 87% of them are successful. And the show up rate in the class is about 86%. After collecting 89 questionnaires, we have summarized the statistics as follows:

Q1. Are you an administrative staff or an academic staff?

Findings: 78% of attendees are administrative staff and 22% are academic staff.

Q2. How useful is the information presented in the training session?

Findings: 78% of the attendees found that the information presented in the class is useful and 22% of attendees found that only some information are useful.

Q3. Is the information presented in the right level?

Findings: About 83% of the attendees found that the information presented in the training is at the right level.

Q4. Please comment on the duration of the training.

Findings: 72% of the attendees found that the duration of the training is just right.

Q5. How well is the content of the training organized?

Findings: About 91% of the attendees rated the training organization and presentation to good or above.

Q6. Please comment on the presentation skill of the trainer(s).

Findings: About 91% of the attendees rated the presentation skill of the trainer to good or above.

Q7. Please comment on the training facilities and environment.

Findings: About 94% of the attendees rated the training facilities and environment to good or above.

Q8. Please rate your overall satisfaction.

Findings: About 93% of the attendees rated the satisfaction level of the courses to good or above.

Q9. Would you like to attend a more advanced training of this subject in the future?

Findings: 88% of the attendees would like to attend more advanced training courses in the similar subjects in the future.

Q10. How can we improve this training class?

Findings: In order to improve the training classes, some attendees* suggest the following:

Course Suggestions
Introduction to Microsoft Access 2010

Some basic concepts on how to create a database will be helpful.

HKIEd Information Security Policy and Information Security Good Practices

Too simple, can be more detail.

Conducting Satisfaction Survey using SPSS The course was a 2-day course, started with very basic things in part I but suddenly moved to advanced statistical theories and modelling in part II. Complete beginners would struggle with part II but experienced users would be bored sitting through part
Conducting Satisfaction Survey using SPSS find another trainer with better presentation skills.
provide more basic knowledge about operation of SPSS.
Microsoft Word 2010 for Advanced Users The sequence of the presentation is better to be in line with the sequence of the notes.
Microsoft Word 2010 for Advanced Users I suggest to organise two half-day trainings instead of a whole day one. It can facilitate colleagues to manage their time.
Microsoft Word 2010 for Advanced Users Could the trainer provides a hotline for enquiries, so that participants could call to make enquiries after the class? Say, for a duration of a week's time. There might be questions that we did not recall to raise at the class but would like to seek the
Effectively Using Microsoft Excel 2010 for Business Analysis Besides of doing exercise in clasee, advise to provide teached exercise's formula answer sheet for easy referene after training.
Effectively Using Microsoft Excel 2010 for Business Analysis Sometimes the explanation is not enough, such as I do not have any experiene in pivot table before so it's a little bit difficult for me to understand the concept of what we are doing suddenly when this kind of thing is introduced in the lesson. But the t
Effectively Using Microsoft Excel 2010 for Business Analysis The notes can be better.
Using Adobe Acrobat X Pro Adobe Acrobat X Pro not found in the network system in our own office computer
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 for Advanced Users The time is not enough, maybe the lesson can be spited into two or three days.
Introduction to Adobe Photoshop CS6 The room temp is too low even I could not feel any air flow. Please consider to increase the room temp and provide water dispenser in the training room.
Introduction to Adobe Photoshop CS6 Infocan Training Ltd's training service is better than previous training. The organization of the training is good. Suggest inviting them to offer the advanced level training.
Introduction to Adobe InDesign CS6 It would be better to have two days for InDesign
Introduction to Adobe InDesign CS6 PC performance is too slow.
Give more chance for trainee to practise.
Introduction to Adobe InDesign CS6 the pace of this training session is kind of slow, the lecturer gave too much free time for us to practice by ourselves. instead, he could do the practice together with us and spend more time to teach more content of the software.
Adobe Illustrator CS6 for Advanced Users near half of concepts have been covered in basic class already. The info is simple for me.
Adobe Illustrator CS6 for Advanced Users wish there is video archive to be put onto ITS website for us to review again.

Note: In order to improve the quality of the training courses in the future, some of the comments and suggestions are sent to the contractors for reference.

Q11. What other information Technology related training courses / seminars would you suggest ITS to offer in the future?

Findings: In addition to our existing training courses, some attendees* suggest ITS to organize the following training courses / seminars in the future:

Courses Suggested by attendees
1 Training on how to use software for poster making
2 Webpage design
3 Advanced SPSS
4 Introductory SPSS
5 Desktop publishing
6 Visual Basic 6, Photoimpact, Network management, Javascript and cgi
7 UNIX / Linux Tutorial for Beginners
9 Intermediate level of Phtoshop training
10 More adobe software course
11 InDesign advance course
12 Audacity, AMOS
13 Excel (intermediate and advanced level)
14 Powerpoint advanced course, Movie Editing/Adding Effects' related software

Note: Some suggested training courses are already on our offering list, and some will be offered in the future.