Venue |
The Mplus short courses of advanced statistics modeling will be co-hosted by the Assessment Research Centre (ARC) of The Hong Kong Institute of Education, on 12,13, & 14 of October 2012. The venues of the event are C-LP-11 and D1-LP-02. For details of location, please refer to Schedule. The short courses will take place at The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd). Established in 1994 and with a heritage of 70 years of teacher training dating to the former colleges of education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education is the only University Grants Committee funded institution dedicated solely to professional teacher education in Hong Kong. HKIEd provides doctoral, master and undergraduate degrees, post-graduate diplomas, certificate courses and a range of in-service programs to around 7,000 pre-service students and serving teachers. At the HKIEd, we are meeting the challenge to nurture a generation of professionally trained graduate teachers who will support Hong Kong’s transformation into a knowledge-based society. Creative, energetic and committed, these teachers will serve the more than 2,000 early childhood, primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong as agents of change, facilitating and implementing education reforms that will make a profound and lasting impact on the quality of our society. With our enlarged vision, we seek to better serve educators and teachers in the Asia Pacific Region.
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