The Inter-institutional Team for the AIE-AR (Academic Integrity and Ethics - Augmented Reality) Project is led by Dr Eva Wong from Hong Kong Baptist University with Professor Siu Yin Cheung (Hong Kong Baptist University), Professor Paul Lam (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Professor Siu Cheung Kong (The Education University of Hong Kong), and Dr Andrew Morrall (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) as team members. The Team has been working earnestly on its project, "Reinforcing the Importance of Academic Integrity and Ethics in Students through Blended Learning - A Deployment of Augmented Reality Applications", which introduces a second-generation synthesis of situated learning in collaborative settings, delivered using Augmented Reality, to present case-based scenarios engaging students in making decisions related to the critical yet abstract area of Academic Integrity and Ethics.
Some 10 000 students have benefitted from the 12 trails comprising ethical issues in various disciplines, and the Team has extended this innovative pedagogy beyond its partners. In 2019/20, the Team also adopted selected physical trails for online deployment to continue student learning during the pandemic caused by COVID-19. The Team will use the award grant to longitudinally track and examine the changes in students' academic integrity and ethics behaviour and attributes, after experiencing different trails of integrity and ethics from entry through to a later stage of their studies.