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Department of Mathematics and Information Technology

Dr. Zhang Qiaoping

Associate Professor


Dr. Qiaoping Zhang is currently an Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology at the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). Before joined in EdUHK, he has worked at Hubei University, East China Normal University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained his PhD from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2010. His research interests are mainly on affect in mathematics education, mathematics teacher education, and students' mathematical problem solving.

Research Interests

  • Affects domains (including attitudes, beliefs, and values) in mathematics education
  • Curriculum reform and textbook analysis
  • Teacher’s knowledge and teacher education
  • Students’ problem solving
  • Cross-cultural comparison in mathematics education

Teaching Interests

  • Research in Mathematics Education
  • Mathematics Curriculum and Assessment
  • Mathematics Problem-solving
  • Methods of Teaching Elementary and Secondary Mathematics
  • Teaching Geometry and Spatial Sense
  • Educational Research Methods

Selected Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

  • Zhang, Q. P. (2023). Facing change in challenging times: The experiences of Hong Kong mathematics teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. In K. W. H. Yung, & H. X. Xu, Educating Teachers Online in Challenging Times: The Case of Hong Kong (52-74). New York: Routledge Doi:10.4324/9781003288978-6.
  • Chia, H. M., & Zhang, Q. P. (2022). Assessment of/for/as online learning: Mathematics teachers' views on online assessment during the COVID-19 pandemic. In J. Hodgen, E. Geraniou, G. Bolondi & F. Ferretti. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12) (pp. 1-8). Bozen-Bolzano, Italy: Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and ERME https://hal.science/hal-03753411/
  • Zhang, Q. P., Zhang, X. L., & Liu, J. B. (2021). A Holistic Review of Authentic Assessment in Mathematics Education. In T. Barkatsas & P. McLaughlin (Eds.), Authentic Assessment and Evaluation Approaches and Practices in a Digital Era: A Kaleidoscope of Perspectives (pp. 95-115). The Netherlands: Brill Publisher Doi:https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004501577_005.
  • Zhang, Q. P. (2021). Examining mathematics teachers’ professional knowledge base during the pandemic crisis: the perspective of SWOC analysis. In M. Inprasitha, N. Changsri, & N., Boonsena (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 335-343). Khon Kaen, Thailand: PME https://pme44.kku.ac.th/home/uploads/volumn/pme44_vol4.pdf
  • 張僑平 (2020)。 教師問責時代的評估。輯於蔡金法(編), 《數學教育研究手冊第四冊》 (頁72-103)。北京: 人民教育出版社
  • Hannula, M., Leder, G., Morselli, F., Vollstedt, M. & Zhang, Q.P. (2019). Fresh perspectives on motivation, engagement, and identity: A conclusion. In M. S. Hannula, G. Leder, F. Morselli, M. Vollstedt & Q. P. Zhang (Eds.), Affect and Mathematics Education. ICME-13 Monographs (431-437). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 
  • Hannula, M., Leder, G., Morselli, F., Vollstedt, M. & Zhang, Q.P. (2019). Fresh perspectives on motivation, engagement, and identity: An introduction. In M. S. Hannula, G. Leder, F. Morselli, M. Vollstedt & Q. P. Zhang (Eds.), Affect and Mathematics Education. ICME-13 Monographs (3-14). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 
  • 張僑平、陳葉祥、黃毅英、鄧國俊(2019):從教師的疑問作切入點談數學「學養教師」的養成,載黃家樂、李玉潔、丘琼媛、王嘉慧(編),《香港數學教育會議2019論文集——讓教與學和數學世界接軌》,(177-183),香港,香港數學教育學會。
  • 張淑冰、楊詠盈、張僑平(2019):運用繪本教學提升學生的4C能力,載黃家樂、李玉潔、丘琼媛、王嘉慧(編),《香港數學教育會議2019論文集——讓教與學和數學世界接軌》,(171-176),香港,香港數學教育學會。
  • Zhang, Q. P. (2019). Values in mathematics learning: Perspectives of Chinese Mainland primary and secondary students. In P. Clarkson, W. T. Seah & J. S. Pang (Eds.), Values and valuing in mathematics education (185-196). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 
  • Hannula, M., Leder, G., Morselli, F., Vollstedt, M., & Zhang, Q. P. (Eds.) (2019). Affect and mathematics education. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 
  • 張僑平(2018):基於核心素養的數學教育改革——香港的經驗,輯於廣東省教育研究院編,《南方教育評論:2018中國南方教育高峰年會思維盛宴》,(頁234-237),廣州,廣東高等教育出版社。
  • Hannula, M., Morselli, F., Erktin, E., Vollstedt, M. & Zhang, Q.P. (2017). Topic Study Group No. 28: Affect, Beliefs and Identity in Mathematics Education. In G. Kaiser (ed.), Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-13 Monographs (507-510). Cham: Springer.
  • Seah, W. T., Baba, T., & Zhang, Q. P. (2017). The WIFI study: Students’ valuing of mathematics learning in Hong Kong and Japan. In J. W. Son, T. Watanabe & J. J. Lo (Eds.), What matters?: Research trends in international comparative studies in mathematics education (333-354). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Wong, N. Y., Ding, R., & Zhang, Q. P. (2016). From classroom environment to conception of mathematics. In R. B. King & A. B. I. Bernardo (Eds.), The psychology of Asian learners: A festschrift in honor of David Watkins (541-557). Singapore: Springer. 
  • Zhang, Q.P., & Wong, N. Y. (2015). Beliefs about mathematics, mathematics knowledge and approaches to teaching among Chinese teachers. In L. Fan, N.Y. Wong, J. Cai., & S. Li (Eds.), How Chinese teach mathematics: Perspectives from insiders (457-492). Singapore: World Scientific. 
  • Wong, N.Y., Zhang, Q. P., & Li, X. Q. (2014). (Mathematics) curriculum, teaching and learning. In Y. Li & G. Lappan (Eds.), Mathematics curriculum in school education (607-620). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
  • 黃毅英 (主編)、張僑平 (副主編)、蔡勁航、黃麗珍、謝明初、張家麟、陳鎮民、蘇洪雨和許世紅(2012):《數學教師不怕給學生難倒了!——中小學數學教師所需的數學知識》,武漢,華中師範大學出版社。繁體版(2013)香港:課程發展處數學教育組。
  • 黃毅英、張僑平、丁銳、李瓊、張爽、許家齡、楊光、韓繼偉(2010):《教授現在告訴你!——如何開展教育研究?》,武漢,華中師範大學出版社。

Journal Publications

  • Chia, H. M., & Zhang, Q. P. (2023). Comparing Malaysian secondary school teachers’ and students’ values in mathematics learning: A mixed method studyInternational Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology54, XXX-XXX https://doi.org/10.1080/0020739X.2023.2204103
  • Wei, Y. C., Zhang, Q. P., Guo, J., & Chen, M. (2023). Learning to teach through noticing: A bibliometric review of teacher noticing research in mathematics education during 2006–2021Humanities and Social Sciences Communications10, 218 Doi:https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-023-01718-7.
  • Zhang, Q. P., Guo, J., & Wei, Y. C. (2023). Mathematical dispositions among Hong Kong mathematics pre-service teachers: A metaphor-based explorationAsian Education and Development Studies12, XXX https://doi.org/10.1108/AEDS-09-2022-0120
  • Xu, L., Guo, J., Zheng, L. Z., & Zhang, Q. P. (2023). Teacher well-being in Chinese universities: Examining the relationship between challenge—hindrance stressors, job satisfaction, and teaching engagementInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health20(2), 1523 Doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20021523.
  • Zhang, Q. P, Sun, J., & Yeung, W. Y. (2023). Effects of using picture books in mathematics teaching and learning: A systematic literature review from 2000–2022Review of Education11(1), e3383 Doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/rev3.3383.
  •  張僑平 (2023)。 數學與 STEM 教育的融合:數學教師多面睇。 學校數學通訊26,28-40 https://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/tc/curriculum-development/kla/ma/res/smn_26.pdf
  • Wei, Y.C., Zhang, Q. P.*, & Guo, J. (2022). Can mathematical modelling be taught and learned in primary mathematics classrooms: A systematic review of empirical studiesEducation Sciences12(12), 923 Doi:10.3390/educsci12120923.
  • Xu, X., Zhang, Q. P.*, Sun, J., & Wei, Y (2022). A bibliometric review on latent topics and research trends in the growth mindset literature for mathematics educationFrontiers in Psychology13 Doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1039761.
  • Zhang, Q. P. (2022). Understanding Chinese mathematics teaching: How secondary mathematics teachers’ beliefs and knowledge influence their teaching in mainland ChinaZDM – Mathematics Education54(3), XXX-XXX Doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-022-01336-8.
  • Zhang, Q. P., Chia, H. M., & Chen, K. X. (2022). Examining students’ perceptions of STEM subjects and career interests: An exploratory study among secondary students in Hong KongJournal of Technology Education33(2), 4-19 Doi:http://doi.org/10.21061/jte.v33i2.a.1.
  • Sun J., Qin H., Lee, K., Bautista, A., & Zhang Q. P. (2022). Early mathematics learning and teaching in Chinese preschools: A content analysis of teaching reference books for preschool teachersMathematics10(1), 1-15 Doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/math10010010.
  • 張僑平、陳怡汝 (2022)。 新加坡小學數學教學大綱(2021)概述(下)。 教學月刊小學版(數學)12,54-59 https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFD&dbname=CJFDAUTN&filename=JXYK202212018&uniplatform=NZKPT&v=BGCHXZThnKZkfQU0KdxCKe3i1Yr14bp1L2ZwGv7W2qSA5SsBsF-7GSln9_atPzV3
  • 邵曉盈、張僑平 (2022)。 運用差異化教學照顧學習多樣性: 以小學六年級百分率的應用為例。 香港數理教育學會會刊(HONG KONG SCIENCE TEACHERS’ JOURNAL)38,16-23 https://www.hkasme.org/News/2337/HKSTJ_Vol38_inside.pdf
  • 張僑平、陳怡汝 (2022)。 新加坡小學數學教學大綱(2021)概述(上)。 教學月刊小學版(數學)11,55-57 https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFD&dbname=CJFDAUTN&filename=JXYK202211016&uniplatform=NZKPT&v=BGCHXZThnKaYYj-IYWqhCarlh7DbnVwLHqNm9wFEf0y_EvD6sBYeGtKGUk50iEpk
  • 張僑平 (2022)。 融入STEM教學,促進學生多元發展——香港小學數學課堂的一次教學實踐。 小學教學研究(Primary School Teaching Research)19,9-10,18 https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFD&dbname=CJFDLASN2022&filename=XXJY202219003&uniplatform=NZKPT&v=FtAjUZVGHLr52nhvZ3iHv1UPX6Yfvb9rDjRMRmorr7CK3-tZRMcCxDAddKle5g1K
  • 陳燕虹、張僑平 (2022)。 在數學繪本教學中看到學生思維的火花——以《美術館裡遇到的數學》為例。 《小學教學(數學)》(primary school teaching)5,45-48 
  • 張僑平、慈艷 (2022)。 豐富教學素材、貼近學生學習:以「雞兔同籠」問題的教學設計為例。 教學月刊(小學版)4,30-33 https://r.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CFJD&dbname=CFJDTEMP&filename=JXYK202204010&
  • 張僑平、周詠南、陳美莉、麥巧玲 (2022)。 基於數學課題的STEM教學活動設計:以認識立體圖形為例。 數學教育,44期,3-17。
     Sun J., Qin H., Lee, K., Bautista, A., & Zhang Q. P. (2022). Early mathematics learning and teaching in Chinese preschools: A content analysis of teaching reference books for preschool teachersMathematics10(1), 1-15 Doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/math10010010.
  • 蔡怡華、張僑平 (2021)。 小學低年級利用數學繪本進行教學的實踐與反思。 學校數學通訊(School Mathematics Newsletter)25,29-40 
  • 何靜、張僑平、黎耀志 (2021). 高職教育「課證融合」的研究現狀與優化路徑當代職業教育(Contemporary Vocational Education)5, 75-82
  • 張僑平、邢佳立、金軒竹 (2021)。 小學數學教學中數學推理的理論和實踐。 數學教育學報(Journal of Mathematics Education)30(5),1-7
  • 楊陽、慈豔、張僑平 (2021)。 以繪本閱讀引導學生深度學習的實踐探索。 小學教學研究28,9-11
  • 陳茗茵、張僑平 (2021)。 數學繪本教學對一年級小學生數學學習的影響:一項探索性研究。 臺灣數學教師42(2),31-55
  • Zhang, Q. P, & Wong, N.-Y. (2021). The learning trajectories of similarity in mathematics curriculum: An epistemological analysis of Hong Kong secondary mathematics textbooks in the past half centuryMathematics9(18), 2310
  • 龔含笑、張僑平、唐恒鈞 (2021)。 問題鏈思維在一類初中動態幾何問題上的體現。 中學數學雜誌(Journal of Junior Mathematics)8,17-20
  • 張僑平 (2021)。 促進學生思考的數學課堂。 小學教學(數學版)(Primary School Teaching)Z1,1
  • 張僑平、謝玉娓 (2021)。 孩子眼中的數學:在數學學習中,什麼是最重要的。 小學教學(數學版) (Primary School Teaching) (人大複印報刊資料《小學數學教與學》2021年12期全文轉載)Z1,11-13
  • 慈豔、張僑平 (2021)。 做中學、學中思:在數學實踐活動中激發學生的數學思考。 小學教學(數學版) (Primary School Teaching)Z1,19-21
  • 陳敏、 張僑平 (2021)。 研究計算規律,發展論證思維——一節計算練習課的啟示。 小學教學(數學版) (Primary School Teaching)Z1,14-18
  • Seah, W. T., Zhang, Q. P., & Bishop, A. J. (2021). Mentors expressing what they value through their writings: Emphasizing the person in mathematicsECNU Review of Education4(2), 230-240
  • Tang, H. J., Seah, W. T., Zhang, Q. P., & Zhang, W. Z. (2021). The mathematics learning attributes valued by students in Eastern ChinaECNU Review of Education4(2), 261-284
  • Zhang, Q. P., & Seah, W. T. (2021). Thematic Issue on Values and Valuing in Mathematics Education: Revisiting Mathematics Education From Cultural PerspectivesECNU Review of Education4(2), 225-229
  • 裴奕汝、曹陽、張僑平 (2021)。 國際小學數學教育研究探析——基於ICME-14小學數學教育研究專題的分析。 教學月刊小學版(數學)6,61-63
  • Zhang, Q. P. (2021). Opportunities to learn three-dimensional shapes in primary mathematics: The case of content analysis of primary mathematics textbooks in Hong KongEURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education17(6), em1971
  • 張僑平、陳慕丹 (2021)。 基於計算機的數學評價:PISA2021數學素養測評的啟示。 教學月刊·小學版4,53-57
  • 張僑平、陳敏、金軒竹 (2021)。 理解深度學習,促進深度教學。 Educational Science Research 教育科學研究4,50-54
  • 張僑平 (2021)。 新學制推行以來香港數學教育的發展與挑戰(The development and challenges of mathematics education in Hong Kong since the new academic structure)。 Journal of Curriculum Studies 課程研究16(1),41-60
  • 張僑平 (2021)。 疫情期間線上數學教學的狀況調查:來自前線教師的聲音。 學校數學通訊(School Mathematics Newsletter)24,6-21
  • 張僑平 (2021)。 數學開放性問題和平行任務的設計:處理數學學習差異的一種途徑。 課程‧教材‧教法(Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method) (CSSCI journal)41(1),149-154
  • 楊詠盈、張僑平 (2020)。 數學繪本網上教學的實踐探索。 香港數理教育學會會刊 (Hong Kong Science Teachers' Journal)36,25-31
  • 張僑平、王偉、秦志強 (2020). 同課異思:一堂初中數學複習課的教學設計分析《數學教學》11, 28-32
  • 王偉、張僑平、林煒 (2020)。 反例在初中幾何教學中的應用——以全等三角形的判定為例。 中學數學研究(Research in Secondary Mathematics Teaching)38(11),31-34
  • 張僑平、黃毅英 (2020)。 教學鋪排的合理性:以香港數學教科書中相似圖形課題為例。 《臺灣數學教師》(Taiwan Journal of Mathematics Teachers)41(2),1-21
  • 王偉、張僑平、林煒 (2020)。 「洋蔥學院」電子學習平台在數學教學的實踐和反思(Practice and reflection of Onion Academy e-learning platform in mathematics education) 。 教師教育論壇Teacher Education Forum10,37-40
  • 陳敏、張僑平 (2020)。 提升學生習得水平為導向的教學再設計——以「等底等高的三角形面積相等」為例。 小學教學(數學版)10,17-21
  • 張僑平、陳敏 (2020)。 疫情中的數學:以0來說數。 小學數學教師8,153-158
  • 張僑平、陳敏 (2020)。 課例研究的緣起和流變:回顧與前瞻。 Global Education 《全球教育展望》(CSSCI journal)8,75-91
  • 張僑平、朱肇濠、黃毅英 (2020)。 循環制比淘汰制更公平嗎?。 數學教育42,35-44
  • 張僑平 (2020). 數學活動題與數學問題解決《小學教學(數學版)》4, 12-14
  • 邢佳立、張僑平 (2020). 巧用學具操作,積累活動經驗——「訂板上圍圖形」的教學思考《小學教學(數學版)》3, 28-31
  • 邢佳立、張僑平 (2020). 通過數學活動題培養學生創造力的實踐探索課程‧教材‧教法(Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method) (CSSCI journal)40(3), 43-49
  • Chen, M. D. & Zhang, Q. P (陳慕丹、張僑平) (2020). A Comparative analysis of senior secondary mathematics curriculum in Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong[In Chinese] (中國內地和香港高中新數學課程的比較)Mathematics Teaching(數學教學)1, 38-44
  • Zhang, Q. P. (2020). Differentiated instruction in school mathematics: The principles and design [In Chinese].School Mathematics Newsletter23, 15-27
  • Zhang, Q. P., & Tang, C. B. (張僑平、唐彩斌) (2019). The implementation of competency-based mathematics teaching: Open-ended teaching approach [In Chinese]. Journal of Mathematics Education(數學教育學報), 28(6), 61-64.
  • 蕭文強、黃毅英、張僑平(2019):慶生科款談數學,《數學教育》,41,40-48。
  • 張僑平、邢佳立(2019):傾聽學生課堂聲音,促進教師專業發展:以兩個小學數學問題為例。,《小學教學(數學版)》,6,63-66。
  • 張僑平、邢佳立 (2019). 學生空間觀念的培養:以三視圖為例. 《新世紀小學數學》, 1, 4-8.
  • 張僑平、梁玉麟、陳葉祥、黃家鳴、黃毅英、鄧國俊(2019):我們對數學教育的看法,《學校數學通訊》,22,6-16。 
  • 張僑平 (2018). 如何處理學生的疑問:以全等三角形的一個問題為例. 數學教學, 9, 1-3.
  • 張僑平(2018):打破常規:從一道數學面試題談起,《學校數學通訊》,21,64-70。
  • 張僑平(2018):培養學生數學問題解決能力:數學活動題的啟示,《課程‧教材‧教法(Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method) (CSSCI journal)》,37卷1期,105-109。
  • 張僑平、黃毅英、張倩和李小青(2017):促進學習的評估:如何促進?,《教師教育論壇》,10,51-54。
  • Wang, W., Yin, H., Lu, G., & Zhang, Q. (2017). Environment matters: Exploring the relationships between the classroom environment and college students’ affect in mathematics learning in China. Asia Pacific Education Review, 18(3), 321-333.
  • 張僑平(2017):西方國家數學教育中的數學素養:比較與展望,《Global Education 《全球教育展望》(CSSCI journal)》,46卷3期,29-44。
  • 張僑平、林智中(2017):培養學生素養的課程及教學策略:香港的經驗,《教育研究月刊》,275期,113-125。
  • 張僑平、黃毅英(2017):中國香港數學教育研究30年:成果、亮點、挑戰與反思,《數學教育學報》,26卷1期,32-36。
  • Barlow, A.T., Huang, R., Law, H-Y., Chan., Y.C., Zhang, Q., Baxter, W.A., & Gaddy, A.K. (2016). Hong Kong and U.S. teachers’ perceptions of mathematical disagreements and their resolution processes. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 4(4), 299-318. 
  • Zhang, Q., Barkatsas, T., Law, H. Y., Leu, Y-C., Seah, W.T., & Wong, N. Y. (2016). What primary students in the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan value in mathematics learning: A comparative analysis. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 14(5), 907-924. 

Conference Papers

  •  Zhang, Q. P. (2023, 5). An overview of research in mathematics education: Themes, trends and method(數學教育研究概述:主題、趨勢和方法). invited speech presented at International Symposium on Doctoral Dissertations for Young Mathematics Education Researchers (中青年數學教育工作者博士學位論文國際專題研討會), Hebei, China
  • Zhang, Q. P. (2023, 5). The Development of Mathematics Education in Hong Kong since the Implementation of the New Academic Structure: Implications and Prospects(新學制實施以來香港數學教育的發展歷程:啓示與展望). Keynote speech presented at Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Mathematics Education Forum(粵港澳大灣區數學教育論壇), Zhuhai, China https://gbamath.cn
  • Zhang, Q. P. (2023, 4). Facing Change in Challenging Times: A Reflection on Hong Kong Mathematics Teachers' Teaching Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Keynote speech presented at the 15th International Conference on Technology and Mathematics Education (2023 ICTME), Taipei https://sites.google.com/mail.ntcu.edu.tw/2023ictme/english?authuser=0
  • Zhang, Q. P. (2023, 4). Incorporating STEAM learning activities in the school mathematics curriculum. Invited speech presented at The 14th China Education Symposium(第十四屆哈佛中國教育論壇), United States https://www.hgseces.org/2023-panels
  • Guo, J., & Zhang, Q. P. (2022, 11). Hong Kong mathematics teachers’ perceptions of STEM Integration: An exploratory study. Proceedings of the 7th International STEM in Education Conference (STEM 2022), Sydney, Australia https://openjournals.library.sydney.edu.au/index.php/STEMEC2022/index
  • Zhang, Q. P., Chau, W. N., & Guo, J. (2022, 11). Incorporating STEM learning activities in the school mathematics curriculum. Proceedings of the 7th International STEM in Education Conference (STEM 2022), Sydney, Australia https://openjournals.library.sydney.edu.au/index.php/STEMEC2022/index
  • Chen, K. X., Zhang, Q. P., & Cao, Y. (2022, 6). Comparison of math teachers’ noticing between in-service and pre-service teachers: A study based on mathematics teachers online exemplary lessons. Paper presented at the 2022 Classroom Teaching Research for All Students (CTRAS) Conference, Italy
  • Zhang, Q. P. (2022, 5). When math meets STEM: Where do math teachers stand?. The 14th International Conference on Technology and Mathematics Education (ICTME), Taichung
  • 曹陽、張僑平、陳敏 (2022, 4). 焦點分析框架視角下職前數學教師的教師專業注意:基於全國小學數學示範課的探索性研究. 中國數學會數學教育分會首屆學術年會, 珠海,中國
  • Chia, H. M., & Zhang, Q. P. (2022, 2). Assessment of/for/as online learning: Mathematics teachers’ views of online assessment during the pandemic. The 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12), Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
  • Cao, Y., & Zhang, Q. P. (2021, 12). Examining pre-service mathematics teachers’ noticing of exemplary mathematics lessons: An exploratory study. International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2021 (ICLT2021), Hong Kong
  • Chia, H. M., & Zhang, Q. P. (2021, 12). A preliminary analysis on what Malaysian secondary school teachers valued in mathematics learning. International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2021: Learning and Teaching for Future Readiness, Hong Kong
  • Yang, L.*, Zhang, L., Liang, Y., Zhang, Q. P., Sin K. F., Ye, T. F., Gao, F. Z, Gao, J., & Wu, Y. Q. (2021, 6). Making the most out of TEA and SPA time: A symposium on introducing two innovative technology-enhanced assessment platforms to enhance students’ assessment literacy and learning outcomes. Four papers presented at The 2nd International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning 2021 (Online) Conference, 19-20 June, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
  • Cao, Y., & Zhang, Q. P. (2021, 5). Does noticing framework make a difference: Pre-service mathematics teachers’ noticing of exemplary mathematics lessons in Mainland China. Paper presented at the 2nd International Congress of Pedagogical Research, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Chen, M, Lv, Q. H., & Zhang, Q. P. (2021, 5). May children invent their methods: What we learn from primary students’ understanding of multi-digit multiplication. Paper presented at the 2nd international Congress of Pedagogical Research, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Chia, H. M. & Zhang, Q. P. (2021, 5). Mathematics teaching during the pandemic: What Hong Kong mathematics teachers valued?. Paper presented at the 2nd international Congress of Pedagogical Research, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Pei, Y. R., & Zhang, Q. P. (2021, 5). Mathematics teacher educators’ noticing on exemplary mathematics lessons in Mainland China: A case study. Paper presented at the 2nd International Congress of Pedagogical Research, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Morselli, F., Robotti, E., & Zhang, Q. P. (2020, 9). Beliefs crisis during the pandemic: Voices from mathematics teachers in Italy and Hong Kong. . Paper presented at the 26th Conference of Mathematical Views: DIMAVI 26, German
  • Chia, H. M. & Zhang, Q. P. (2019, December). Hong Kong secondary students’ views of STEM and STEM career interest. the International Conference on Advances in STEM Education (ASTEM),18-20 December, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Zhang, Q. P. (2019, December). Review and reflection on primary mathematics teaching research in Hong Kong. Keynote speech presented at the Primary Mathematics Teaching Research Annual Report 2019, 8-10 December, Hangzhou, China.
  • Xing, J. L., & Zhang, Q. P. (2019, November). Practice in developing students' creativity by using mathematical activities (通過數學活動題培養學生創造力的實踐探索). Proceeding of the 9th basic education reform and development forum, Fuzhou, China.
  • Zhang, Q. P. (2019, October). Problem-solving in mathematical activities. Keynote speech presented at the 10th Primary Mathematics Education Summit, Hangzhou, China.
  • Wang, W., & Zhang, Q. P. (2018, December). Instructional design in e-learning environment: An example of Game-based Teaching in Onion Mathematics(電子化教學設計:以洋蔥數學的遊戲化教學為例). ICGBL 2018: The 3rd International Conference on Game-based Learning, Hong Kong SAR.
  • Yeung, W. Y., Cheung, S. P., Chen, Y. H., & Zhang, Q. P. (2018, December). Using picture books in mathematics lessons. The Learning & Teaching Expo, 13-14 December, Hong Kong.
  • Zhang, Q. P. (2018, December). Research in values in mathematics education: What Hong Kong data says. The Third Wave Project Meeting 2018, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Zhang, Q.P., Seah, W.T., & Han, C. D (2018, December). “What I Find Important (in My Mathematics Learning)”: Hong Kong students’ espoused values. HKERA International Conference 2018, Hong Kong SAR.
  • Zhang, Q. P., & Chen, Y. H. 張僑平、陳燕虹 (2018, October). Theory and practice of picture books in primary school mathematics: Cases from Hong Kong and Guilin (小學數學繪本閱讀的理論和實踐——以香港、桂林兩地的教學為例). The 3rd Chinese Congress on Mathematics Education (CCME-3), Shanghai, China.
  • Van Dooren, W., & Zhang, Q. P. (2018, July). Why motivation necessarily precedes high mathematical performance – but not vice versa. Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Umeå, Sweden.
  • Zhang, Q. P. (2018, July). What is important in mathematics learning: Perspective from the Chinese mainland students. Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Umeå, Sweden.
  • Zhang, Q. P., Yeung, W. Y., & Cheung, S. P. (2018, May). Enhancing students’ strategy flexibility in learning mathematics through school-based picture books. Proceedings of the 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Zhang, Q. P. & Trakulphadetkrai, N. (2016, July). Hong Kong primary mathematics teachers’ beliefs about the integration of children’s literature in mathematics teaching. the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-13), Hamburg, Germany.
  • Zhang, Q. P., & Seah, W. T. (2015, July). Chinese secondary teachers’ and students’ perspectives of effective mathematics teaching: The underlying values. Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Hobart, Australia.

Research Projects

Examining Pre-service and In-service Teachers’ Professional Noticing by Using Video-based Lessons: An Exploratory Study in Mainland China 

Project Start Year : 2022  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

Shaping Students’ Lived Space of Mathematics Learning: How Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs and Values Affect Their Teaching 

In recent years, competency-based instructional reform has been advocated around the world. Along with knowledge and skills, affective factors such as attitudes and values make up the core components of students’ competences. In Hong Kong, the development of students’ generic skills, such as communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving, together with positive attitudes and values, has become one of the main goals of school education in the revised new mathematics curriculum. To improve the quality of instruction and implement the intended curriculum effectively, there is a need to facilitate students’ affective development, including the appropriate valuing of mathematics, to help them learn mathematics more effectively. Previous studies have revealed the diversity in students’ learning in mathematics, including in the cognitive and affective domains. Strong evidence has indicated that teachers are the primary agents who enact instructional reforms, shape students’ lived space, and have a substantial impact on student outcomes. This proposed project will aim to explore the influence of teachers’ beliefs and values on students’ mathematics learning. A mixed-methods approach will be used to collect data from different processes, such as the intended or planning process, the implemented or teaching process, and attained or actual outcomes. The results of the proposed study will contribute to our understanding of the quality of mathematics teaching under the curriculum change in the post–COVID-19 era, give credibility to the recurrent values research and value alignment framework, and increase the possibility of more effective mathematics teaching through the lens of values in teacher education.
Project Start Year : 2022 Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

Examining preservice mathematics teachers’ noticing of exemplary mathematics lessons in Mainland China: An exploratory study 

This study aims to explore Chinese mainland preservice teachers’ (PSTs) noticing of primary exemplary mathematics lessons. The open noticing framework (Learning to Notice framework) and the designed four-points noticing framework (FOCUS framework) are adopted to examine their noticing ability. The findings could propose pedagogical strategies for mathematics teachers or mathematics teacher educators to support students’ mathematical thinking in the classroom. The implication of comparing two different noticing frameworks may contribute to and extend our understanding of teacher noticing research across different contexts.
Project Start Year : 2021  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

Concentrating on an Edge-cutting Area: Establishing a Research Hub for STEM Integration in Primary Schools

In recent ten years, there is an increasing emphasis in governments’ policies worldwide to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. Although the significance of promoting STEM education has been widely recognized and considerable numbers of studies have been conducted in recent years, the research on the integration in STEM education as a distinct field of study is still in its embryonic stages. This cluster will target at this significant but under-investigated area, which entails three-folded objectives: (i) building strategic alliance and leverage synergy among researchers of STEM education to develop a new area of research strength; (ii) elevating our university’s international reputation as a research hub of STEM education; and (iii) informing practitioners of STEM education. This cluster will sever to fill current research gaps concerning STEM integration in primary schools and plant the seed of STEM talents for the sustainable development of Hong Kong.
Project Start Year : 2021  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

Design of Picture Books in Learning Mathematics in Primary Mathematics Classrooms 

Project Start Year : 2021  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

Examining Novice and Experienced Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs and Practice during the Pandemic: A Comparative Study between Hong Kong and Italy 

Project Start Year : 2021  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

Feedback Matters to Achievement, but How it is Proceeded Psychologically by University Students to Harness its Sustainable Power? A Cross-Cultural Longitudinal Study 

In search of the underlying mechanisms of feedback in influencing student achievement, this research cluster will bring together international higher education experts and researchers across three countries to explore students’ Feedback Orientations (FO) which is a psychological construct comprised of multiple feedback perceptions that collectively determine an individual students’ overall willingness and readiness to use the feedback (London & Smither, 2002; Yang, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)..
Project Start Year: 2021, Principal Investigator(s): YANG, Lan 楊蘭 (ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平 as Co-Investigator)

Investigating Hong Kong Teachers’ Beliefs about Mathematics and Practice during Distance Teaching 

Project Start Year : 2020  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

Enhancing Preservice Teachers’ Mathematical Proficiency for Teaching: Using Hypothetical Situations within an online eLearning Community in Teacher Education 

Project Start Year : 2019  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

An Exploratory Study of Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Conceptions of STEM Education in Hong Kong and Taiwan

Project Start Year : 2020  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

Harnessing the Power of Assessment to Support Pre-service Teachers' Learning and Professional Development Through an Innovative Blended Learning Approach (A+BLe) 

Educators in higher education encounter lots of difficulties in maintaining high academic standards and high quality attributes in today's classes with a large number of students with diverse needs. It remains a challenging task for teachers to, on one side, well organize the teaching/learning content so that all students are more likely to actively participate in the learning process, and on the other side, to well assess students’ use of their higher-order/self-directed learning processes (e.g., self-assessment, peer-assessment, use of formative feedback from teachers) to achieve academic success and high quality attributes upon graduation. There is a compelling need to provide a rigorous blended learning approach that can link teaching, both online and offline learning and assessment practices (self-assessment, peer-assessment, and teacher-assessment) in a visible, achievable and sustainable way. The A+BLe approach is expected to also encourage students to not only undertake the learning activities actively, but also tell students and teachers how well the objectives of teaching and learning have been achieved. Based on these concerns, this project aims to provide an innovative and creative blended learning approach (A+BLe) to link teaching, learning, and assessment practices in a visible and systematic way to promote EdUHK students’ multiple learning outcomes that are essential for their professional development.
Project Start Year: 2020, Principal Investigator(s): YANG, Lan 楊蘭 (ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平 as Co-Investigator)

How Mathematics Teachers in Australian, Mainland China, Hong Kong Value Classroom Teaching

Project Start Year : 2019  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

Exploring the Effectiveness of Differentiating Instruction (DI) by Using Tiered Tasks to Cater for Students' Learning Differences in Primary Mathematics in Hong Kong

Project Start Year : 2019  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

Enhancing Preservice Teachers’ Mathematical Proficiency for Teaching: Using Hypothetical Situations within an online eLearning Community in Teacher Education 

Project Start Year : 2019  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

From Curriculum to Classroom: What and Why Australia, Mainland China, Hong Kong Effective Teachers Find Important in Mathematics Teaching 

Project Start Year : 2019  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

Why I Find Important (WhyFI) in Mathematics Teaching: How Mainland China and Hong Kong Mathematics Teachers' Values Influence Their Teaching 

Project Start Year : 2019  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

An Exploratory Study on Secondary Teachers' Beliefs about Effective Teaching and Learning of Mathematics 

There is evidence that beliefs are culturally informed and impact differentially on classroom practice. Cross-cultural differences in teacher beliefs and belief structures can provide important information regarding classroom practice and teacher inc . . .
Project Start Year : 2018  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

Design of Picture Books in Learning Mathematics in Primary Mathematics Classrooms 

Reading to Learn has been adopted as one of the Key Tasks since the curriculum reform in 2001 in Hong Kong. Recently, schools are encouraged to extend Reading to Learn to Reading across the Curriculum and Language across the Curriculum with a view to . . .
Project Start Year : 2018  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

The Integration of Picture Books in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Teachers’ Practice in Hong Kong Primary Schools 

With the implementation of the curriculum reform, “Reading to Learn” has been actively promoted in schools. During the process of reading, students are expected to be able to draw upon their prior knowledge, learning experiences and world knowledge s . . .
Project Start Year : 2018  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

Understanding and Catering for Students’ Learning Difference in Mathematics: Using the Tiered Approach for Differentiating Classroom Instruction 

Student diversity within the classroom is an important and inevitable issue worldwide. To implement effective teaching, mathematics teachers need to face these learning differences and respond to student needs and expectations. Since 2000, the curric . . .
Project Start Year : 2018  Chief Investigator(s) : ZHANG, Qiaoping 張僑平

External Appointments

Member of the Coordinating Committee on Basic Competency and Assessment Literacy, Hong Kong SAR (2022.4.1 - 2024.3.31) 

Member of Chinese Society of Mathematics Education, the Chinese Mathematical Society (CMS) (2021.10) 

Member of Mathematics Teaching in Primary School Professional Committee, the Chinese Society of Education (CSE) (2020-2024) 

Member of the Assessment Panel on Mathematics Education KLA of Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence (CEATE), Hong Kong SAR (2020-2021) 

Member of the Curriculum Development Council Committee on Mathematics Education, Hong Kong SAR (2019 - present) 

Consultant, The Education University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Primary School (2018-2020)

Member of the Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad Organizing Committee (2018-2020)

Member of TSG 33(Knowledge in/for teaching mathematics at secondary level), the 14th International Congress on Mathematial Education (ICME-14), 12-19 July2020, Shanghai, China;

Chair of Track T08: Emerging Technologies of Pedagogical Issues of the 4th International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education (SETE 2019), 23 - 25 September2019, Berlin, Germany;

Member of Plenary Panel, the 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME42), 3-8 July 2018, Umeå;

PC member of Track 12:Augmented Reality and Virtual Worlds in Education and Training,ICALT 2018, Mumbai India.

Member of TSG 28 (Affect, beliefs and identity in mathematics education), the 13th International Congress on Mathematial Education (ICME-13), 24-31 July 2016, Hamburg, Germany;

Chairman of a workshop, the 7th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education (EARCOME-7), 11-15 May 2015, Cebu, Philippine.


Dr. Zhang Qiaoping

Dr. Zhang Qiaoping

Associate Professor