Dr. Yee Tat Leung Tony
Assistant Professor
DAP(Math) Chairperson
Dr. Tony Yee Tat-leung obtained his Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). His research topics include Nonlinear Analysis, Paninleve Analysis on integrable systems. Dr. Yee was the recipient of Din-Yu Hsieh Best Teaching Award, Honorably-Mentioned Teaching Assistants in the Department of Mathematics. In 2001, he was also awarded the Croucher Foundation Fellowship and worked with Professor Robert Conte as a Postdoctoral Fellow at a French government-funded technological research center (SPEC/CEA) in Paris. Before joining the Hong Kong Institute of Education, he had been a Teaching Fellow as well as a Research Associate at the HKUST for five years.
Research Interests
Applied Analysis, Painleve Analysis, Singularity Analysis on Integrable Systems
Selected Outputs
Journal Publications
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2021). A method of proving the convergence of the formal Laurent series solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 15(1), 1-21
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2020). An algorithm to convert integrable third-order ODEs to regular higher-order equations near any movable singularities. Nonlinear Analysis and Differential Equations, 8(1), 129-144
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2020). A mirror approach to the study of the generalized Henon-Heiles Hamiltonian systems. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 14, 843-858
- Yee Tat-Leung (2020). Explicit construction of Backlund transformations for integrable equations using the mirror method. Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics, 15(1), 59-75
- Yee, Tat-Leung & Ho, Kwok-Pun (2019). Zygmund inequality of the conjugate function on Morrey-Zygmund spaces. Demonstratio Mathematica, 52(1), 97-104.
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2018). The Painlevé Test for a System of Coupled Equations from Nonlinear Birefringence. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 12(1), 27-36.
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2017). Asymptotic Analysis of a Model in Dendritic Solidification Subjected to Buoyancy-driven Convection in the Far Field. Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications, 12(2), 233-241.
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2017). Exact Solutions of the Slowly Varying Amplitudes of Two Interacting Families for Nonlinearly Coupled Ginzburg-Landau Equations. Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, 12(2), 121-133.
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2016). Closed Form Solutions of a Chaotic Equation Using the Method of Elliptic Truncation. Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, 11(4), 407-415.
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2016). Near Field Asymptotic Formulation for Dendritic Growth Due to Buoyancy. Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, 11(4), 437-442.
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2015). Effect on Temperature and Interface Shape of Dendritic Growth with Forced Oscillation. International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 10(1), 47-59.
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2015). On the Distribution of Poles and Zeros of Pade Approximants for Elliptic Functions. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 11(1), 527-535.
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2014). Further Results on Dendritic Growth with Forced Oscillation and Pattern Formation. Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, 9(2), 173-188.
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2014). On the General Analytic Solution of a Chaotic Third Order Ordinary Differential Equation. Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis, 9(1), 31-40.
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2014). Asymptotic Theory For a Model of Dendritic Solidification with Effect of an Oscillatory Source. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 10(3), 401-416.
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2012). Dynamics of Coherent Structures in the Coupled Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equations. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 8, 413-418.
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2011). A New Perturbative Approach in Nonlinear Singularity Analysis. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 7, 249-254.
- Yee, Tat-Leung, Tsang, C.H., Malomed, B.A. & Chow, K.W. (2011). Exact Solutions for Domain Walls in Coupled Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equations. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 80, 064001.
- Yee, Tat-Leung & Chow, K.W. (2010). A "Localized Pulse-Moving Front" Pair in a System of Coupled Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equations. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 79, 124003.
- Yee, Tat-Leung & Conte, R. (2004). Another integrable case in the Lorenz model. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 37, 113-115.
- Yee, Tat-Leung (2002). Linearization of Mirror Systems. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 9, 235-243.
- Hu, J., Yan, M. & Yee, Tat-Leung (2001). Mirror Transformations of Hamiltonian Systems. Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena, 152-153, 110-123.
Research Projects
Development of E-learning Package to Enhance Learning and Teaching Probability and Statistics
Innovative digital learning objects will be developed with a powerful statistical tool, R, and an appropriate curriculum will be designed in this project, to facilitate teaching and learning of probability distributions.
Project Start Year: 2018, Principal Investigator(s): LING, Man Ho Alpha 凌萬豪, YEE, Tat Leung 余達良, CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
Croucher Foundation Visitorship for PRC Scholars 2018/19
The funding supports Dr Wang Yunhu, Shanghai Maritime Univeristy for the 6 months visit to Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, the Education Univeristy of Hong Kong. For research works in Hong Kong under this project, we aim to (i) . . .
Project Start Year : 2018 Chief Investigator(s) : YUEN, Man Wai 阮文威 (Dr YEE, Tat Leung 余達良 as Co-Principal Investigator)
Development of E-learning Package to Enhance Learning and Teaching Probability and Statistics
Innovative digital learning objects will be developed with a powerful statistical tool, R, and an appropriate curriculum will be designed in this project, to facilitate teaching and learning of probability distributions.
Project Start Year : 2018 Chief Investigator(s) : LING, Man Ho Alpha 凌萬豪 ; YEE, Tat Leung 余達良 ; CHEUNG, Ka Luen 張家麟
The Hunt for New Solitary Wave Solutions of Coupled Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equations Using Modified Hirota Bilinear Method
We shall study a system of nonlinear partial differential equations, namely, the coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau equations (CGLEs) which serves as a very popular model in applied mathematics and theoretical physics. Research results are very useful i . . .
Project Start Year : 2012 Chief Investigator(s) : YEE, Tat Leung 余達良
Understanding the Australian and Hong Kong primary children's thinking and misconceptions in decimal numbers: A comparative study
The significance of this research is to inform Australian and Hong Kong pre-service student teachers and in-service teachers about general misconceptions of teaching and learning decimals, so that the focus and framework of teaching decimals can be r . . .
Project Start Year : 2010 Chief Investigator(s) : LAI, Mun Yee ; YEE, Tat Leung 余達良 ; CHAN, Wing Sum 陳詠心
The 27th Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (HKMO)
The 27th HKMO was jointly organized by the MIT department and the math section of EdB. It aims to promote, encourage and sustain Secondary 4 students’ interests in the study of mathematics. In the 27th HKMO, there were 258 schools and 1350 students p . . .
Project Start Year : 2009 (Dr YEE, Tat Leung 余達良 as Team Member)
External Appointments
- Honorary Consultant of the Hong Kong Primary Mathematics Challenge (2014 - present)
- Consultant of the Mathematics Competition for Primary Schools of Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong (2014 - present)
- Consultant of the Po Leung Kuk Primary Mathematics World Contest (2013 - 2015)
- Organizing Committee of the Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad jointly orgainized by the EDB and the HKIEd (2010 - 2014)

Dr. Yee Tat Leung Tony
Assistant Professor