08 Dec, 2010 12:30
Learning and Teaching Using Mobile Technologies and Social Media: Current Efforts at Linnaeus University in Sweden | |
24 Nov, 2010 13:30
The Icon of Customer Lifetime Value | |
19 Nov, 2010 13:30
學生學習概念及網路學習概念 | |
17 Nov, 2010 13:30
國際期刊論文作者與審查人的角色與責任 | |
13 Oct, 2010 13:30
Mathematics: A Cultural Heritage | |
12 Oct, 2010 13:30
穿梭往來大學講堂與中小學課室 :克萊因的“雙重不連續性” | |
09 Oct, 2010 13:00
數學史與數學教學的融會-「知易行難」抑或「知難行易」? | |
30 Jun, 2010 10:00
Inquiry in Mathematics Education and e-Learning in School Education | |
23 Jun, 2010 12:30
What research tells us about teaching through problem | |
18 Dec, 2009 10:00
Departmental Retreat 2009-10 |