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Department of Mathematics and Information Technology

New Directions for the Future Development of Mathematics Education


Organized by the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), and co-organized by the Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC) of EdUHK, the Mathematics Education Section of the Curriculum Support Division of the Hong Kong Education Bureau (EDB), and the Professional Committee on Primary School Mathematics Teaching of the Hangzhou Education Society, the “Innovative Teaching for Future Education: The First Hangzhou-Hong Kong Primary School Mathematics Education Symposium” was successfully held on June 6 at EdUHK’s Tai Po campus.

This symposium, an important event celebrating EdUHK’s 30th anniversary, aimed to promote the professional development of mathematics education through the exchange of expertise and industry insights between Hong Kong and Hangzhou. The symposium attracted nearly 140 participants, including experts, scholars, and mathematics educators from primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, Hangzhou, Liuzhou, and the Greater Bay Area.

Professor May Cheng May-hung, Vice President (Academic) of EdUHK, delivered a welcome speech via video, emphasizing the critical role of educational innovation in nurturing future talents and highlighting EdUHK’s contributions to promoting educational innovation in research, teaching, and service. In his welcome speech, Professor Li Wai-keung, Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at EdUHK, stressed the importance of regional collaboration among educators to address the challenges of innovative teaching in the future. The symposium also featured opening remarks from Ms. Chan Mo-ngan, Deputy Secretary of the Curriculum and Quality Assurance Branch of the Hong Kong Education EDB and Professor Cai Jinfa, a chair professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Delaware, USA. Both guests highly commended the significance of the seminar and suggested using this exchange between Hong Kong and Hangzhou as an opportunity to promote more regional cooperation and interaction.

In the morning session of the seminar, five scholars from Hangzhou and Hong Kong delivered keynote speeches on critical topics such as artificial intelligence in mathematics education, and new mathematics curriculum reforms in Hong Kong and Mainland China. The speakers included Professor Kong Siu-cheung, Chair Professor of E-Learning and Digital Competency at EdUHK, Professor Gong Zikun from the Jing Hengyi School of Education at Hangzhou Normal University, Mr. Lee Chun-yue, Chief Curriculum Development Officer of the Mathematics Education Section of the Curriculum Support Division of the Hong Kong EDB, Mr. Tang Caibin, Principal of Qian Xuesen School and Secretary of the Shidai Primary School in Hangzhou, and Dr. Zhang Qiaoping from the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology at EdUHK.

The afternoon session featured six group discussions where over twenty mathematics educators from Hong Kong and Hangzhou shared their innovative practices in mathematics teaching. Additionally, the symposium showcased mathematics teaching design posters by eleven undergraduate students majoring in mathematics education from Hangzhou Normal University and EdUHK, highlighting these future teachers’ innovative teaching concepts. The event also included two site visits, where participants explored EdUHK’s Centre for LTTC and The Education University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Primary School, gaining insights into how innovative technology, e-learning, and STEAM education integrate with traditional classroom teaching to develop 21st-century skills in students.

This symposium not only promoted innovation and development in mathematics education but also opened a new chapter in educational exchange and cooperation between Hong Kong and Hangzhou.