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Department of Mathematics and Information Technology

Dr Bai Shurui Receives RGC Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Grant


Dr Bai Shurui has been awarded the Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme 2023/24 (HK$ 55,600), funded under the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, to support her project ‘Impact of Artificial Intelligence-enabled Automated Adaptive Feedback on Students’ Motivational and Cognitive Learning Outcomes in Scenario-based Learning’. Parallel funding was awarded to Dr Michael Sailer at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, the German principal investigator of the project.

Artificial intelligence (AI) development makes the automation of adaptive feedback feasible and efficient. However, studies about automated adaptive feedback on student motivation are scant. The two-year project aims to explore how adaptive feedback may affect students’ different aspects of motivation (i.e., affective, behavioural and cognitive) and provide easy-to-follow guidance for teachers on using AI to automate adaptative feedback and design scenario-based tasks for improved student motivation.

The Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme aims to promote research collaboration between Hong Kong and Germany by providing researchers in the two locations with travel grants for duration periods of one and two years. The proposed projects need to fully meet the requirements in application for the RGC General Research Fund in Hong Kong, as well as those stated by the DAAD in Germany. This year, only two projects from EdUHK and seventeen projects in total have been awarded by the Germany/Hong Kong joint research scheme.


Dr. Bai Shurui