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Department of Mathematics and Information Technology

Congratulations to Professor Li Wai-Keung, Professor Kong Siu Cheung, Dr. Gary Cheng Kwok Shing, Dr. Victor Ho Kwok Pun, Dr. Lo Chung Kwan, and Dr. Song Yanjie on Being Stanford University’s Top 2% Scientists in the World


Stanford University has released its latest list of the world's top 2% scientists, and it is an honor to announce that Professor Li Wai-Keung, Professor Kong Siu Cheung, Dr. Gary Cheng Kwok Shing, Dr. Victor Ho Kwok Pun, Dr. Lo Chung Kwan, and Dr. Song Yanjie from the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology at The Education University of Hong Kong are included in this prestigious list.

Compiled by a research team at Stanford University, the rankings list top scientists from a wide range of fields, based on their career-long citation impact or single-year citation impact in 2022. 


美國史丹福大學公布了最新的全球首2%科學家名單 (Stanford University List of World’s Top 2% Scientists),很榮幸香港教育大學數學與資訊科技學系李偉強教授、江紹祥教授、鄭國城博士、何國斌博士、盧頌鈞博士及宋燕捷博士被列入名單當中。

此名單由史丹福大學的研究團隊編製,依據學者的學術文獻在其學術生涯(Career Long)及二零二二年內(Single-year Long)獲引用的次數排名,列出全球排名前 2%頂尖科學家。

Resource 資料來源:https://www.eduhk.hk/en/features/38-eduhk-scholars-named-world-s-top-2-scientists-by-stanford-university