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Department of Mathematics and Information Technology

EdUHK robotics Team Won Best Team Spirit Award in Robocon 2023


EdUHK Robotics Team once again participated in Robocon 2023, showcasing a notable enhancement in skills that garnered recognition from opponents and competition judges alike. Commended for their substantial progress, they employed advanced techniques such as CAD for designing robots, utilized pneumatic components, and leveraged equipment like CNC machines from HKSTP. Their relentless pursuit of excellence and unwavering determination were celebrated as they were honored with The Best Team Spirit Award. This accolade recognized their commitment to continuous improvement and the indomitable spirit that characterized their journey in the realm of robotics competition.

The EdUHK Robotics Team established in 2019, they are a dynamic and diverse group of students from various departments, including MIT and SES of The Education University of Hong Kong, dedicated to exploring the fascinating world of robotics and representing their university in the prestigious Robocon competition.

The team has consistently demonstrated innovation, technical prowess, and a passion for learning. They have successfully built competitive robots, earned recognition, and won awards, showcasing their ability to excel in challenging circumstances.

Over the years, they have embraced new technologies, production methods, and multidisciplinary approaches. They believe in the power of collaboration and knowledge transfer, with senior students mentoring juniors and every member contributing to their collective growth.

Their journey has been marked by continuous improvement, learning exchanges with other universities, and the establishment of the Robotics Society to spread robotics and STEM knowledge across EdUHK. 

Source: http://www.roboconhk.com/2023/results.html