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Department of Mathematics and Information Technology

Research Arena event hosted in collaboration with the CCA department

Date:15 March 2023 (Wed)
Time:10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Venue:Creative Arts Room, C-1/F-01F, MMW Library, EdUHK


1030-1035 Introduction

1035-1045 Dr. Prudence LAU [CCA]

1045-1055 Dr. FU Hong [MIT]

1055-1105 Dr. Philbert LI [CCA]

1105-1115  Dr. Matthew THIBEAULT [CCA]

1115-1125 Dr. SONG Yanjie [MIT]

1125-1135 Dr. YANG Yang [CCA]

1135-1145  Prof. Philip YU [MIT]
1145-1200 Free Discussion and Exchange

1200-1205 Roundup