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Department of Mathematics and Information Technology

Math Challenges - 2023 每月問題 (1月份問題)


小學組 (Primary Section)


If a pair of numbers (two numbers) are taken away from the ten numbers 2,3,…,11, the sum of the remaining eight numbers is a prime number. How many such pairs of numbers are there?


初中組 (Junior Secondary Section)

N 是一個小於1000的正整數,它有十個因數,其中兩個是4和62,設這十個因數之和是 S 。求  。

N  is a positive integer less than 1000 and has exactly ten factors. Two of these factors are 4 and 62. Let the sum of these ten factors be S . Find .


高中組 (Senior Secondary Section)


Two persons roll three dice in turn. Whoever gets a sum that is a square number will be the winner. Who will this game favour, the person rolling first or second?



参加同學請把以下資料載於不多於兩頁A4紙的 PDF格式(不接受其他格式)的附件,於本月28日下午6時前電郵至monthlyproblems@eduhk.hk


  • 完整題解和答案
  • 以中、英文書寫的參加者姓名、年級、就讀學校名稱 和學校地址
  • 聲明:「這題解是本人研習的成果。」



Participation Method

Put the following information in a PDF (other formats not accepted) file of not more than two A4 pages. Send the file as an email attachment to monthlyproblems@eduhk.hk by 6 pm on 28 Jan.

Information required:

  • Solution to the problem
  • Student name, year, school name, and school address (in both Chinese and English)
  • Declaration: “This solution is my own work.”

Solutions to the senior secondary problem should be typewritten. Handwritten solutions to the senior secondary problem will not be accepted.