Postgraduate Student Sharing

Date:           9 February 2023 (Thursday)
Time:           2:30 – 5:00 pm
Venue:         C-LP-11

A Postgraduate Student Sharing will be organised by Graduate School (GS) and Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC) to promote reflective and peer learning and to encourage students’ participation in the Festival.

Time Rundown
2:30 – 3:30 pm Welcome Remarks

Professor LO Sing Kai
Associate Vice President (Assessment) & (Graduate Studies) and Dean of Graduate School
The Education University of Hong Kong

Keynote Speech: Teaching for Innovation

Professor CHAN Yui Bun Ben
Associate Professor
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Keynote Speech: Undertaking PhD During and Beyond Pandemic: An Australian Perspective

Professor Tony ZHANG
Associate Dean
RMIT University, Australia

3:30 – 4:15 pm Group Presentations by Postgraduate Students

(i)       Topic: Applying Rasch Analysis in the Assessment of Teaching and Learning
          Mr GAO Fengzhan & Ms CHEUNG Hau Tung

(ii)      Topic: Research on Metacognitive Teaching Strategies: A Systematic Review of Empirical Studies
          Ms LEI Jieyan & Ms SONG Pengruo

(iii)     Topic: Teaching Language and Intercultural Competence: The Role of Language Teachers in the Context of Hong Kong
          Mr WU Xingcheng & Ms MAI Minyi Mandy

4:15 – 5:00 pm Open Forum

•    Chaired by Professor John TRENT
    Associate Dean of Graduate School, The Education University of Hong Kong
•    Professor CHAN Yui Bun Ben
    Associate Professor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
•    Professor Tony ZHANG
    Associate Dean, RMIT University, Australia
•    Postgraduate Students

Masters of Ceremonies Mr MWAIHOLA Moyo Osiah

PhD Student

Ms HUANG Xiaowei

EdD Student



Online registration


GS –

Keynote Speakers


Teaching for Innovation

Professor CHAN Yui Bun Ben

Associate Professor
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Speaker Bio

Dr Ben, Y. B. Chan is currently an Associate Professor in Engineering Education and the Director of the University’s Center for Engineering Education Innovation. Ben has worked extensively in Engineering Education related areas, including academic advising, experiential learning and teaching pedagogies development. Ben has been the recipient of numerous teaching excellence awards during his almost decade-long teaching at the University, including the finalist of the QS Reimagine Education Award 2018 (Global) organized by Wharton School QS Reimagine Education Award Committee; School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award in 2016 & 2020; the Common Core Teaching Excellence Award 2016 - Honorary Mention, the Nomination for the 2017 & 2020
UGC Teaching Award, etc. He also accumulated over HK$20M education related grants as a PI and has over 50 journal and conference papers published.


Innovativeness development is a mind-changing process, it requires continuous deep reflections and distance transfer capabilities. Only innovators can nurture innovators and innovators coming together can inspire more innovators. One MakerSpace and 3 years, there are 6 engineering design courses developed and offered 16 times; 46 student-initiated projects created; 200 workshop instructors and senior technical advisors trained; 150 technical training workshops delivered composing a total of 427 hours and 1908 participants; over 100 make-it-yourself online training videos produced. It proves that crafting programs around a student-operated makerspace and empowering students to make, create and innovate is an effective approach to promote innovativeness.


Undertaking PhD During and Beyond Pandemic: An Australian Perspective

Professor Tony ZHANG

Associate Dean
RMIT University, Australia

Speaker Bio

Professor Tony Zhang is Associate Dean in the School of Health and Biomedical Sciences at RMIT University, Australia. He was a visiting Professor to the Education University of Hong Kong in 2019-2020. Prof Zhang has co-authored more than 30 books/book chapters and 150 SCI journal articles. Prof Zhang has supervised 24 PhD students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to completion and, he currently supervises 8 PhD students.


Students undertaking PhD during the pandemic faced unpredicted disruptions yet, the uncertainties are also accompanied with more opportunities beyond pandemic. This presentation will share a supervisor’s observations and reflections of key attributes related to successful PhD candidates from Melbourne, Australia – a city with the world’s longest lockdown during the recent global pandemic.

Postgraduate Students


Applying Rasch Analysis in the Assessment of Teaching and Learning

Mr GAO Fengzhan

RPg student

Ms CHEUNG Hau Tung

RPg student


Assessment of learning is an important educational activity that could help teachers provide valuable information for effective feedback to students. While the assessment based on the classical test theory (CTT) has been widely used by frontline teachers, it failed to provide the reliability information of the test. Also, the CTT cannot generate a precise assessment result by directly using the ordinal raw score. In this presentation, we will introduce the Rasch analysis for the formative assessment of learning. Unlike CTT, the Rasch analysis transfers the ordinal raw score to interval logit data, making the assessment result more accurate. Meanwhile, based on the diagnostic information of each question generated from Rasch analysis, teachers can modify the test questions and make the test more effective and reliable for reflecting students’ performance. The benefits of Rasch analysis, such as allowing teachers to evaluate the item difficulty, person ability, item-person map (wrightmap), as well as the challenges of using Rasch analysis for frontline teachers, will be discussed in the presentation.


Research on Metacognitive Teaching Strategies: A Systematic Review of Empirical Studies

Ms LEI Jieyan

EdD Student

Ms SONG Pengruo

EdD Student


The positive role of metacognition in classroom teaching and learning has been widely recognized. Based on the metacognition theory of Flavell (1976), metacognitive teaching strategies have been considered a holistic teaching method to stimulate learners to reflect on the problem-solving process. Encouraging learners to reflect and control their learning process can effectively improve teaching effectiveness. The application of metacognitive teaching strategies has received much attention in the research of language learning classrooms. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that metacognitive teaching strategy positively impacts students' language learning outcomes. How to cultivate teachers' metacognitive teaching competence and promote its application in non-language classrooms is wanting. This study reviews the past decades' empirical research to understand metacognitive teaching strategies comprehensively. Based on the descriptive analysis of the development trend in a systematic review, we propose suggestions for further expanding and deepening the knowledge base.


Teaching Language and Intercultural Competence: The Role of Language Teachers in the Context of Hong Kong

Mr WU Xingcheng

MEd Student

Ms MAI Minyi Mandy

MEd Student


The importance of understanding intercultural competence is constantly being highlighted in foreign language education. The acquisition of linguistic competence requires teachers with professional profiles to provide specific instructions from an intercultural perspective (Sercu,2006). Moreover, Intercultural competence incorporates interpersonal skills, social interaction skills, cultural empathy, personality traits, and managerial ability (Cui & Awa, 1992). This presentation aims to demonstrate the current roles of language teachers in teaching the linguistic aspects and the communicative competence of language in the teaching context of Hong Kong. It also intends to figure out the extent and how language teachers meet the expectations formulated under the framework of language and intercultural competence. Based on the systematic analysis of the patterns of foreign language and culture in their teaching practice, we propose suggestions regarding the cultural dimension of foreign language teaching and the promotion of students’ acquisition of intercultural competence.

Undergraduate Student Sharing

Date:           24 February 2023 (Friday)
Time:           2:00 – 4:30 pm
Venue:         Creative Arts Room, 1/F, MMW Library
                    You may also join the event on Zoom

In order to promote reflective and peer learning with the theme of “Learning and Teaching for Future Readiness”, an Undergraduate Student Sharing event will be organised by School Partnership and Field Experience Office (SPFEO) and Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC), with input and support from the Faculties. The event is scheduled for 24 February 2023 (Friday) 2:00 - 4:30 p.m. in a hybrid format at Tai Po Campus of EdUHK and online platform.

For student who attended the Undergraduate Student Sharing, the hours of the Sharing will be recorded in the Experiential Learning and Achievements Transcript (ELAT) under “Student Participation in Experiential Learning Activities”.

Time Rundown
2:00 – 2:05 pm Welcome Remarks

Dr. KAM Wai Keung Kevin
Director, School Partnership and Field Experience Office, EdUHK

2:05 – 2:35 pm Sharing on "Growth Mindset for Personal Breakthrough in a Rapid-Changing and Competitive World"

Mr. LEE Kwok-wah Gilbert
Principal Innovation Consultant, Education for Good

2:35 – 3:05 pm Dialogue on Education Plus Programme

Mr. TSE Chi Keung
Project Manager, Impact Partners

Ms. AU YEUNG Cheuk Ki Elain
BA (SE) Year 3 Student

3:05 – 3:35 pm Sharing on Life & Career Planning

Dr. HO Yuk Fan Esther
Chairperson of Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters

3:35 – 3:45 pm Sharing on "In-Depth Reflective Writing on Field Experience"

Principal WONG Kwok Kong
Honorary School Partnership Advisor of the FE Appreciation Scheme

3:45 – 4:05 pm Sharing on "Professional Learning from ePortfolio and Support from FE Supervisors"

Mr. ZHENG Yuk Yeung Laughing
Student Nominator of the FE Appreciation, Scheme, BEd (Sci) Year 5 Student

Mr. ZHONG Jianhui
Student Nominator of the FE Appreciation, Scheme, BEd (CL) Year 4 Student
This presentation will be conducted in Cantonese.

4:05 – 4:25 pm Sharing on "AI Literacy for All"

Mr. NG Wen O Owen
Student Participant of AI Literacy Programme, BEd (EL) - Primary Year 4 Student

Ms. ZHOU Xiaona
Student Participant of AI Literacy Programme, EdD (ELE) Student

4:25 – 4:30 pm Closing Remarks

Professor KONG Siu-Cheung
Director, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, EdUHK

Masters of Ceremony Ms. YAM Tsz Shun Jasmine

BEd (EL) Year 4 Student

Mr. ZHANG Zixi Jim

BA (Lang Studies) & BEd (EL) Year 4 Student


English supplemented with Cantonese

Online registration
(Remark: Please choose in the form whether you will attend on-site or online via Zoom. Successful registrants will receive a confirmation email on/before 21 February 2023)


LTTC – 2948 7047/
SPFEO – 2948 8757/