School of Cantonese Studies 2024
School of Cantonese Studies 2024 will be jointly organized by Hong Kong Metropolitan University and the Education University of Hong Kong. The theme of School 2024 is Cantonese studies with a comparative approach. Speakers of the School will highlight the special features of Cantonese through comparisons with other major languages such as Standard Chinese and English. Topics in this 4-day School include phonology, grammar, language and society, historical development of Cantonese, IT in Cantonese learning and teaching.
Date: 12 - 15 August 2024 (Mon to Thu), am and pm
Venue: Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Homantin, Hong Kong
*Medium of instruction: Cantonese supplemented with English and Putonghua.
About the School
School of Cantonese Studies was first organized in 2019 at the Education University of Hong Kong from 27 to 31 May 2019.
The aims of the School are as follows:
(a) to introduce recent developments and knowledge on different domains in Cantonese Studies to the participants;
(b) to introduce systematic and rigorous methodologies for conducting research on Cantonese;
(c) to provide a venue for scholarly exchange and interaction between scholars and participants of different backgrounds who are interested in Cantonese Studies.
The five-day event covered nine lectures delivered by twelve scholars specializing in Cantonese studies. There were 60 participants coming from different parts of the world. [See]
The School of 2021 (online mode) carried the theme "Cantonese Studies in the Digital Age". In the two-day event, speakers of the School introduced some up-to-date Cantonese studies involving digital technologies, such as corpus-based research, online tools and resources for Cantonese studies, and digital processing of Cantonese corpus data. [see]
Speakers (in alphabetical order of last names):

Kevin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature and the Director of The Language Centre (Chinese Section) at Hong Kong Shue Yan University. He is a certified rater of The Computerized Oral Proficiency Assessment. His research interests include Cantonese grammar, historical linguistics, and linguistic typology. In 2016, he received The Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In 2018, he was a finalist for the Young Linguist Award by Contemporary Linguistics. In 2024, he developed a GPT-powered Chatbot 中文寫作助手 (繁體版) for identifying typos and grammatical errors in Chinese texts.

Andy has a wide range of research interests in linguistics, including linguistic typology, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, and Cantonese studies. In 2013, he developed The Corpus of Mid-20th Century Hong Kong Cantonese (, providing real-time language data for studying early Cantonese.

Shin has a wide range of research interests, including history of Cantonese grammar, Cantonese romanization systems developed by Western missionaries, place names in Hong Kong, cross-linguistic communication. He developed the Database of Early Cantonese Bible and Christian Literature. Recently he is interested in Japanese-based loanwords in Hong Kong (港式日語).

Lai Yik-Po is a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong, appointed under the Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme funded by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong. His research interests include Chinese dialectology, areal linguistics, historical linguistics, linguistic typology, and digital humanities. He was selected as a “Li Fang-Kuei Society Young Scholar” in 2023. He developed a web-based application—DOLD—for conducting online language experiments and surveys, and a mobile app—CanTONEse—for non-native speakers to learn Cantonese tones. He also created an online quiz game for Cantonese linguistics popularization, “Cantonese Master Challenge,” which attracted over 40,000 participants.

Lau Chaak Ming is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies and the Director of the Centre for Research on Linguistics and Language (CRLLS) at The Education University of Hong Kong. His research interests include digital humanities, with a focus on knowledge representation and resource construction for low-resource languages, and Cantonese linguistics, specifically sentence-final particles and vernacular writing. He is the founder of, a large-scale open-licensed Cantonese (monolingual and Cantonese-English) online dictionary database. He is also the principal investigator of the development of TypeDuck, a Cantonese Jyutping input keyboard with minority language prompts.

Cindy is lecturer of CPCE, PolyU, mainly teaching contrastive study and research of Chinese and English and foundation courses related to linguistics. Her research interests lie in Syntax and Semantics, Sociolinguistics, Bilingualism, Language Acquisition and Language Teaching. Apart from working on theoretical research on the syntax of Cantonese utterance particles, Cindy has extended her research interest to teaching and learning pedagogical strategies, such as teaching Cantonese tones to non-tonal language speakers. In addition to her role as an examiner of Cantonese Read-aloud Test (CRAT), Cindy has joined the Cantonese Alliance and Cantonese Language Teachers Association aiming at organizing Cantonese courses and developing materials for Cantonese learning and teaching based on national standards.

Zhang Ling is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Chinese Language Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). Her research interests include Cantonese phonetics and phonology, experimental linguistics, and acquisition of Chinese as a second language. She teaches courses of “Chinese Phonetics and Phonology”, “Chinese Historical Phonology”, “Comparison and Analysis of Putonghua and Cantonese”, “Cantonese and Hong Kong Local Culture” etc. at EdUHK. She developed an educational APP “Classical Chinese Poems Sing Along”, which promotes the Cantonese singing pedagogy.
Date of the School
The School runs from 12 – 15 August 2024 (Monday to Thursday). There are two sessions (morning and afternoon) in each day.
Eligibility: The School is open to those who are interested in Cantonese studies. Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of Chinese and English grammars and sound systems. The medium of instruction of the School is Cantonese, supplemented by English and Putonghua. Participants are also expected to have reading knowledge of both Chinese and English.
School Fee: Free of charge
Deadline: 31 July 2024
Registered participants with full attendance at the School will receive a certificate of participation.
Application Process
To apply for the School, please fill in the application form by clicking the following link:
Application Form for the School of Cantonese Studies 2024
The application will be considered by the Organizing Committee. Successful applicants will be notified by email.

Contact Us
For any enquiries, please send us an email at:
School of Cantonese Studies 2024. Last updated: 4/6/2024.