Supporting reform
Dr Pang maintains that school-based support is imperative
for reform to succeed. A host of innovations and reforms have been
introduced in the past two decades but many did not achieve their
expected outcome or have a real impact in the classroom. Part of
the reason is the lack of on-site expert support.
"Once school-based in-service support is implemented,
a culture is built up in the school and even teachers not pre-disposed
to get involved in reform will be swept along in the drive for change."
Dr Pang believes the Institute is particularly well
suited to providing such school-level assistance given its size
and concentration of expertise. "If the Institute is given
the remit to do real in-service development, then part of our lecturers'
work will be to support groups of schools. Combining this with initial
training and induction will make a powerful professional support
"HKIEd's potential in supporting reform is tremendous.
Smaller institutions or faculties may not be able to reach out as
much. With 400 academic staff, it is much easier to play this role."
(From left) Dr Pang, Mr Chris
Patten and Mr Simon Ip officiating at the Tai Po Campus Topping
Out Ceremony on 16 April 1997 
Dr Pang (fourth from left in the front) as
a young front line practitioner at St Paul's Co-educational College