School Leadership for Learning

Vision, Student Learning, School Leaders, Change, Empowerment

Considerable attention has been paid to the concept of ‘leading for learning’ which indicates that school leaders play a critical role in creating a positive and safe learning environment. “Leadership in any endeavor is a moral task but even more so for educational leaders, for their behaviors are commentaries on how things should be done” (Pellicer, 2007, p. 9). This implies that how principals run their schools would have effects on other institutions, now and in the future because school culture not only mirrors the civic culture of the society, but is also a shaper of that civic culture.

Featured Research

Distributed System Leadership: Student Understanding and Enactment of Mission and Values across United World Colleges

Dr. Edwards studied how a system leadership perspective on the influence of different system constituents. His findings identified that distributed system leadership affected student understanding and enactment of the school mission and values.

Research Brief
Principal Leadership in a Chinese Public-Private Partnership (PPP) School: A Case Study

Expansion and rapid change are in the substance of what teachers are expected to teach. Increased collaboration with other professionals and private companies are important to cater for the diverse learning needs of students. Principals played a critical role in the public-private joint partnership between the local education authority and a private company. The partnership between the school and the company brought about opportunities and challenges to the principals. The principals were able to develop strategies to enhance future collaborations.

Research Brief
In Search of the Middle Influence: Case Studies of Heads of Teaching-research Groups in Leading Teacher Learning through Instructional Leadership in Chinese Primary Schools

Middle-level instructional leaders within schools are increasingly recognized with a growing number of studies showing their potential influence on teacher learning. This study explores the impact of middle-level instructional leaders, specifically the TRG heads, on teacher learning in schools in the context of the Chinese system.

Research Brief Video Interview
Chinese University Students’ Perceptions and Practices of Digital Citizenship: A Mixed Methods Study

This thesis study aims to explore digital citizenship in the Chinese context, specifically focusing on the Chinese university students’ interpretations and practices. Additionally, this research seeks to identify and examine the factors that significantly impact students’ digital citizenship.

Research Brief Video Interview