In this newsletter, we highlight the latest development of the EPL’s efforts and advances in community engagement, research, and teaching. We would like to draw your attention to the new episodes of the EPL Impact collection. The featured research covers local entrepreneurial teachers and their innovation advocacy, Shanghai expert teachers, and empowering student voice with student leadership. We are also excited that a new round of programme enrolment for the next academic year has begun and recruitment activities are rolling out. Detailed information is available.
EPL is committed to conducting high quality research as evinced in winning competitive external research grants and strong international publications. We remain to be a valued partner for local schools, the EDB and other educational organisations. Our colleagues actively engage themselves in preparing current and future educational professionals at various career stages. The Department works closely with The Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC), as well as other departments and centres for conducting research and providing service to the community.
Best wishes to the beginning of a fruitful 2022!
The EPL Team
Upcoming Events
School Forum: Leading Teams in a Time of High Teacher Mobility
The Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL) and The Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC) of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) extend a warm invitation to an online forum titled Leading Teams in a Time of High Teacher Mobility on 12th March 2022. In the forum, we can explore ways to lead school innovation from the perspective of school leaders and teachers' professional learning communities through scholars and experts' presentations. We sincerely invite you and your colleagues to join this forum.
Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong(CESHK) 2022 Spring Conference (Virtual)
EPL will co-host the 2022 Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference on 18th & 19th March 2022, with sponsorship from the Education Policy Research Cluster ( among others. Its theme is Revisiting Collaborations and Human Connections in Education and Research, and the keynote speakers will be the Dean of the Faculty of Education and Human Development (FEHD), Prof. Bruce Macfarlane (EdUHK), as well as Dr. Meril Tamtik (University of Manitoba) and Dr. Hugo Horta (HKU).
Professional Learning Resources
EPL regularly produces professional learning resources based on our research. These can be used to stimulate conversations in school. Our latest research impact publications are now available.
We are going all out, bashing down the barriers to distributed leadership with educational change. There are less references to differing views as alternatives because boundary-crossing in leadership has become an established agenda in schools. Shanghai expert teachers see themselves as learners first, leaders second. If they were to meet with entrepreneurial teachers in Hong Kong, they’d be inspired learners of these teachers’ innovation advocacy. We need teachers to be confident to lead and humble to learn, regardless of where they stand in the organisational hierarchy. If our Shanghai and Hong Kong teachers were to meet students from round-square schools, they’d be impressed by students taking the initiative to cross leadership boundaries, and how their teachers played a transformational role in empowering student leadership.
EPL scholars support the Asia-Pacific International Schools Conference (AISC) 2021
In early December EPL organised a team of 11 scholars and alumni (serving school principals) to present research findings to practitioners at the Asia-Pacific International Schools Conference (AISC). The AICS is an annual event for international school leaders and educators in the Asia Pacific region.
The AICS provided an opportunity to showcase our research and its implications for practice in both the local and international school sectors. The major themes included: Reimagining Education, Leadership in Education, Nurturing Student Wellbeing, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
The Department collaborated with The Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change as official supporters of the event.
More information about our presentations can be found at the AISC website.
Successful Press Conference on Findings of Dr. Trevor Lee’s Study about Primary Pupils’ Online Learning during COVID-19
Dr. Darren Bryant and Dr. Trevor Lee hosted an online press conference on 15th December 2021, which announced some findings of Dr. Lee’s recent study about online learning in primary schools during the pandemic, addressing parental stress and difficulties when supporting children in their online learning during this time. Here is the press release:
This press conference successfully gained a wide range of media coverage in the local media outlets on the following day:
Dr Linnie Wong wins the CiCea Best Publication Award
Dr Linnie Wong has been awarded the Best Publication Award 2020: Category Research from the Children's Identity and Citizenship European Association (CiCea).
Her article, School leadership for civic learning: The case of socio-political turbulence in Hong Kong, was co-authored with Prof John Lee, Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, and Prof Kerry John Kennedy, Emeritus Professor (Education) and Advisor (Academic Development).
The article looks at how principals negotiate the political context of citizenship education, and how these practices influence the civic learning in schools. Dr. Wong reveals that when principals lacked a clear vision of citizenship education most teachers avoided discussing controversial political topics with their students.
Dr. Chrysa Keung wins the Early Career Award of the Research Grants Council (RGC)
Dr. Chrysa Keung has received the Early Career Award of the Research Grants Council (RGC) in recognition of her outstanding research and education plan submitted to the Early Career Scheme (ECS) 2021/22.
The ECS received 418 applications from all eight University Grants Committee-funded universities. Of the 177 funded projects, only 7 early career scholars received the Early Career Awards. Chrysa’s project, entitled ‘Professional agency of Hong Kong kindergarten teachers working with socioeconomically disadvantaged children: A phenomenographic study ’ attained a perfect score of 5 from the RGC panel.
Professional Learning Opportunities
Executive Master of Arts in International Educational Leadership and Change (IELC)
For leaders who want to make a difference in their own schools, in the region and beyond.
Master of Arts in Leading Experiential Learning Activities (LELA)
For leaders of educational programmes or courses that adopt Experiential Learning practices. Offered with the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
In addition to direct Department work, EPL colleagues contribute significantly to the leadership, research and development activities of several other units.
Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC)
Diversity, Equity and Social Inclusion Research Group (DESI)
The APCLC stresses the importance of leadership and leadership development for achieving sustainable change in school systems. It builds on a strong regional foundation of leadership development by contributing new research grounded in the region. It also creates and transforms knowledge gained from research into practical tools.
The DESI researches how diversity impacts on education, equity and inclusion through its interaction with social, political and economic conditions. The DESI aims to increase knowledge and understanding of diversity in Hong Kong and East Asia to improve education, policy and practice. The DESI has three research streams: Ethnic Minorities & Refugees, Inter/Multiculturalism, and Gender & Sexuality.
Education Policy Research Hub
Developing Teachers, Developing Futures
The Education Policy Research Hub conducts research on the design, implementation and evaluation of education policy. By building strong networks with policymakers, school stakeholders and the public, the hub aims to increase the impact of policy research and improve education locally and regionally. It aims to become a valued partner of education system stakeholders by building and sharing new knowledge in Hong Kong and beyond.
Teacher professionalism—the capacity to make informed educational judgements about what is in the best interests of students and their communities—is influenced by ever-evolving and interactive institutional, social and political contexts. Teachers are expected to meet diverse and sometimes competing local needs and must also be responsive to global developments and concerns. This project aims to enhance the impact of teaching and research on teacher education both locally and globally.
About EPL
EPL's Professional Partnership Network
An opportunity to engage with peers from across the education community, and to stay up to date with the latest developments in research and professional practice on leadership, policy, school development and professional learning.
EPL in the News
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