In this newsletter, we focus on EPL's efforts in research and professional learning that positively supports education in Hong Kong, and by doing so supports young people's development and schooling experiences.
We invite you to:
Register for our Saturday School Forum on experiential learning;
Review our 5-minute research briefs and 3-minute impact videos to prompt professional discussion;
Read about the potential of Student Leadership; and
Learn more about new opportunities for further study.
All the best as you come to the close of a particularly challenging school year.
The EPL Team
Daring Greatly: Experiential Learning for Innovative Experimentation in Education (Saturday School Forum)
Transforming education for the present and future generations of students is about making daring attempts to construct new habits of learning and teaching. These attempts often require the courage to take risk and feel vulnerable. Experiential learning, considerably a very fluid and emerging approach to education, can be a daunting task for many people. The Saturday School Forum, organised by the Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL), invites both international and local speakers to share their daring attempts, the purpose of which is to encourage others to join in the effort to discover new possibilities through experiential learning.
Date: 17 July 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Format: Zoom (live interaction with presenters)
Language: Chinese and English
In collaboration with the Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals, the Education Bureau called for a whole-system approach to improving the professional standards of both principals and teachers in Hong Kong (T-Standard, COTAP, 2015). This announcement signals the importance of collaborative and inclusive approaches to engage all stakeholders to change and improve education at all school levels. Our department rides on this initiative to feature the research of principal investigators who have just completed their research projects and have new insights to share on a whole-system commitment to engaging all educational stakeholders.
International Study on Student Leadership Released
We are delighted to announce the publication of an international research report on student leadership at Round Square schools worldwide led by Dr Ewan Wright, Prof Allan Walker, and Dr Darren Bryant from the Department of Education Policy and Leadership.
The study breaks new ground in terms of understanding i) what leadership means to young people, (ii) the most effective experiences for building leadership skills, and (iii) the potential impact of student leadership.
The Round Square organisation has released the full report on its website.
Launching of Master of Arts in Leading Experiential Learning Activities (LELA)
In Hong Kong, experiential learning has become increasingly popular among educators as a promising avenue in searching for alternative or innovative practices. Its popularity is most noticeable in schools’ non-formal curriculum and NGOs’ children or youth programmes. The position of experiential learning in formal curriculum and classroom teaching, however, remains peripheral. The new MA in Leading Experiential Learning Activities (LELA), co-offered with the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, will be launched in September 2021. This programme offers a natural network of educators and professionals from schools, NGOs and other institutions who are interested in experiential learning and its development in Hong Kong and beyond. The final call for applications ends on 31 May 2021.
EPL launches Hong Kong’s first-ever master’s degree specialising in innovation, leadership and education!
The Master of Arts in Leading Innovative Learning Organizations (LILO) will start its first residentials from July 12 to July 17, 2021! The innovative and intensive professional development sessions will enable LILO participants to complete two courses: Middle Leaders as Edupreneurs and Innovators (which provides a comprehensive study of current theories and applied research in innovation, entrepreneurialism and change management) and Leading Organizational Learning (which examines how leaders can design and put into place the infrastructure (structures and cultures) necessary for their teams to function in support of their learning organization).
You are most welcome to drop by the upcoming information sessions:
May 14, 4:00 - 4:30 pm
May 20, 4:00 - 4:30 pm
New collaboration with Cambridge Assessment International Education
In an exciting new collaboration, the Executive Master of Arts in International Educational Leadership and Change (IELC) has teamed up with Cambridge Assessment International Education.
The IELC is the first postgraduate programme worldwide to offer Cambridge leadership qualifications: Cambridge International Certificate in Educational Leadership and Cambridge International Diploma in Educational Leadership.
The IELC is an online and part-time programme designed to develop leaders who can operate successfully and lead change in international educational environments. For more information, please see:
Professional Learning Opportunities
Executive Master of Arts in International Educational Leadership and Change (IELC)
For leaders who want to make a difference in their own schools, in the region and beyond.
Master of Arts in Leading Experiential Learning Activities (LELA)
For leaders of educational programmes or courses that adopt Experiential Learning practices. Offered with the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
In addition to direct Department work, EPL colleagues contribute significantly to the leadership, research and development activities of several other units.
Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC)
Diversity, Equity and Social Inclusion Research Group (DESI)
The APCLC stresses the importance of leadership and leadership development for achieving sustainable change in school systems. It builds on a strong regional foundation of leadership development by contributing new research grounded in the region. It also creates and transforms knowledge gained from research into practical tools.
The DESI researches how diversity impacts on education, equity and inclusion through its interaction with social, political and economic conditions. The DESI aims to increase knowledge and understanding of diversity in Hong Kong and East Asia to improve education, policy and practice. The DESI has three research streams: Ethnic Minorities & Refugees, Inter/Multiculturalism, and Gender & Sexuality.
Education Policy Research Hub
Developing Teachers, Developing Futures
The Education Policy Research Hub conducts research on the design, implementation and evaluation of education policy. By building strong networks with policymakers, school stakeholders and the public, the hub aims to increase the impact of policy research and improve education locally and regionally. It aims to become a valued partner of education system stakeholders by building and sharing new knowledge in Hong Kong and beyond.
Teacher professionalism—the capacity to make informed educational judgements about what is in the best interests of students and their communities—is influenced by ever-evolving and interactive institutional, social and political contexts. Teachers are expected to meet diverse and sometimes competing local needs and must also be responsive to global developments and concerns. This project aims to enhance the impact of teaching and research on teacher education both locally and globally
About EPL
EPL's Professional Partnership Network
An opportunity to engage with peers from across the education community, and to stay up to date with the latest developments in research and professional practice on leadership, policy, school development and professional learning.
EPL in the News
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