Ethnic Minorities and Hong Kong's Current Protests: Non-Chinese ‘Hongkonger’ Communities and Their Values*

The purpose of the research is to identify how ethnic minorities view and engage in the current protests as well as their views on necessary new policies to deescalate the protests.

The specific objectives of this project are to:

  1. identify the attitudes of ethnic minorities to the current protests and their views of the protest movement;

  2. explore the nature of any active protest participation, including digital activism;

  3. identify any variation in attitudes to protests across different generations of ethnic minorities;

  4. assess the relationship between attitudes to the protests and current government policies towards ethnic minorities; and

  5. identify policies the government could adopt to ameliorate the views of ethnic minorities.

As an output, this project will produce a report:

  1. documenting a comprehensive understanding of the engagement of ethnic minority youth and adults in the current protests in Hong Kong;

  2. systematically highlighting the nature and underlying causes of their involvement;

  3. containing a concrete list of policy suggestions from the perspectives of ethnic minority community leaders and individuals that may address the unique situation faced by the ethnic minorities due to an interaction of the current turbulent political situation and their historical disadvantages.

The project will employ a range of research methods including a systematic literature review and case studies based on in-depth interviews at the community and individual levels. We aim to conduct in-depth interviews with 20 participants from different ethnic minority groups in Hong Kong. The main focus of the interviews is to understand their views and engagement in the current protests as well as seek policy suggestions that may bring the protests to an end.

For more information or to participate in this research, please contact Dr. Miron Bhowmik at:

* This research project (Project Number: SR2020.A5.008) is funded by the Public Policy Research Funding Scheme from the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.